Matches & Work Parties

Click on the tabs below to view all of the upcoming Matches and Work Parties.
As demand for club matches has increased, for entry into all matches you need to contact Andy Howard 07818 214507
Previous Match results from 2019 can be found under the archive tab. 
A CAPS Matches Facebook page also exists where old results also exist and latest news appears, to join click here  
CAPS Match Rules can be found here
Please note to cover the club under its insurance only club members are allowed to attend work parties.  
Date Location Time
06/04/2025St Osyth09:00 - 13:00
13/04/2025Layer Pit09:00 - 13:00
20/04/2025Brakes Pit09:00 - 13:00
18/05/2025Inworth 1 09:00 - 13:00
01/06/2025Mersea09:00 - 13:00
22/06/2025Bovington 1 & 209:00 - 13:00
06/07/2025St Osyth09:00 - 13:00
17/08/2025Olivers09:00 - 13:00
12/10/2025St Osyth09.00 - 13.00
19/10/2025Brakes both lakes 09:00 - 13.00
09/11/2025Prestons09:00 - 13:00
08/03/2026Prestons09:00 - 13:00
15/03/2026Layer Pit09:00 - 13:00
22/03/2026Layer Pit09:00 - 13:00
Date Title Location Match Type Pegs Draw Time Match Time
05/01/2025Silver Fish OnlyOlivers ClubWhole lake 08:0009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 5 Rob Houlding 16-11-0
2nd Peg 9 Ian Carter 10-10-0
3rd Peg 24 Paul Connell 9-15-0

Sections (22 fished)
peg 8 Andy Howard 6-14-0
peg 19 Colin Moran 6-1-0
peg 33 Bob Davis 8-10-0
12/01/2025 5 x 3 League cancelled lake frozenOlivers TeamWhole lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
19/01/2025SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole lake08:0009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Bob Davis 65.15.0
2nd Peg 24 Bill Walker 41.0.0
3rd Peg 3 Rob Houlding 29.10.0
4th Peg 29 Paul Connell 27.0.0

Sections (25 Fished)
peg 7 Matt Gould 16.1.0
peg 25 Danny Mason 15.0.0
Peg 45 Martin Chalk 16.0.0
02/02/2025Silver fish only Olivers Club Whole lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
03/02/2025CAPS AGM Belle Vue Club 20:00
09/02/2025Sweepstake BrookhallClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
16/02/2025Silver fish onlyOlivers ClubWhole lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
16/02/20255 x 3 AwayHadleigh Bullocky FenTeamWhole Lake08.00TBC
23/02/2025Sweepstake BrookhallClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
02/03/20255 x 3 Away Commercial lake TeamTBC 08:0010:00 - 15:00
02/03/2025SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole lake 08:30 10:00 - 15:00
09/03/2025Sweepstake BrookhallClubWhole lake 08:3010:00 - 16:00
16/03/2025Sweepstake Olivers ClubWhole lake 08:3010:00 - 16:00
16/03/20255 x 3 league BrookhallTeam10 - 37 08:3010:00 - 15:00
23/03/2025Sweepstake BrookhallClub Whole lake 08:3010:00 - 16:00
30/03/2025Sweepstake Prestons Club1 - 45 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
06/04/2025SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
13/04/2025SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
17/04/2025ClubOlivers Club1 -28 08:3010:00 - 16:00
20/04/2025SweepstakePrestons Club1 - 4508:3010:00 - 16:00
24/04/2025SweepstakeBrookhallClub10 - 4008:3010:00 - 16:00
27/04/2025SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
04/05/2025SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
11/05/2025SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
15/05/2025SweepstakeBrookhall Club10 - 4008:3010:00 - 16:00
18/05/2025Sweepstake Preston'sClub1 -4008:3010:00 - 16:00
22/05/2025SweepstakeInworth 2ClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
25/05/2025SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
01/06/2025SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
07/06/202524 hour charity matchLayer PitClubWhole LakeTBCTBC
08/06/2025Charity OpenBrookhallOpenWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
12/06/2025Sweepstake Lodge FarmClub3 -1908:3010:00 - 16:00
14/06/2025ACI Teach in Olivers teach in18 -3908:0009.00 - 14.00
15/06/2025SweepstakePrestonsClub1 -4508:3010:00 - 16:00
19/06/2025SweepstakeBrookhall Club10 - 40 08:3010:00 - 16:00
22/06/2025EICLKelvedon WatersTeamTBC08:0010:00 -15:00
29/06/2025Sweepstake Olivers ClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
06/07/2025SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
10/07/2025SweepstakeOliversClub1 -2808:3010:00 - 16:00
13/07/2025EICLPrestonsTeamWhole Lake08:0010:00 - 15:00
17/07/2025Sweepstake St Osyth Club3 -19 08:3010:00 - 16:00
19/07/2025ACI Teach InBrookhallTeach In25 - 48 08:0009:00 - 14:00
20/07/2025CAPS V DOES Olivers Team of 10 Whole lake08:30 10:00 - 16:00
26/07/2025Junior MatchBrookhallClub Whole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 15:00
27/07/2025Russ Goodacre Memorial Prestons Open1 -5008:3010:00 - 16:00
03/08/2025Reg Upsher Memorial Olivers ClubWhole lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
07/08/2025SweepstakePrestonsClub1 -3008:3010:00 - 16:00
10/08/2025EICLBrookhallTeamWhole Lake08:0010:00 - 15:00
14/08/2025SweepstakeLodge - St Osyth Club3 -19 08:3010:00 - 16:00
16/08/2025ACI Teach in Olivers Teach In 18 - 39 08:0009:00 - 14:00
17/08/2025CAPS V local clubs Prestons Club1 - 50 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
23/08/2025Junior MatchBrookhall ClubWhole Lake08:30 10:00 - 15:00
24/08/2025SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole lake 08:3010:00 - 16:00
25/08/2025Charity Pairs Prestons Open Whole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
31/08/2025SweepstakeBrookhall ClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
04/09/2025SweepstakeOlivers Club1 -2808:3010:00 - 16:00
07/09/2025EICLDoes waters TeamTBC08:0010:00 - 15:00
07/09/2025Carp MatchLayer PitClubWhole Lake TBC TBC
11/09/2025SweepstakeLodge - St OsythClub3 -19 08:3010:00 - 16:00
13/09/2025ACI Teach in BrookhallTeach IN 25 - 48 08:0009:00 - 14:00
14/09/2025Silver Fish OnlyLayer PitClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
20/09/20252 day Bailiff Social Brakes pits Clubboth Lakes TBCTBC
21/09/2025DOES V CAPS Does waters Team of 10 TBC08:30 10:00 - 16:00
28/09/2025EICL R ChelmerTeamTBC08:0010:00 - 15:00
02/10/2025SweepstakeBrookhallClub10 - 4008:3010:00 - 16:00
04/10/2025ACI Teach In Olivers Teach in18 -39 08:0009:00 - 14:00
05/10/2025Sweepstake Lodge - St Osyth ClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 16:00
09/10/2025SweepstakeOlivers Club1 - 28 08:3010:00 - 16:00
12/10/2025SweepstakeBrookhall ClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
19/10/2025Sweepstake Prestons Club1 -4508:30 10:00 - 16:00
26/10/20253 x 5 League Police Waters TeamTBC08:00 10:00 - 15:00
26/10/2025SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole Lake 08:0010:00 - 16:00
02/11/2025EICLSudbury Stour TeamTBC08:0010:00 - 15:00
06/11/2025Sweepstake Brookhall Club10 - 4008:3010:00 - 16:00
09/11/2025Sweepstake Olivers ClubWhole Lake08:0009:30 - 15:00
16/11/2025Sweepstake Brookhall ClubWhole Lake 08:0009:30 - 15:00
23/11/2025SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole lake 08:0009:30 - 15:00
30/11/2025Sweepstake Brookhall ClubWhole Lake 08:0009:30 - 15:00
04/12/2025SweepstakeBrookhallClub10 - 40 08:3010:00 - 16:00
07/12/2025SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake08:0009:30 - 15:00
07/12/20255 x 3 League Hadleigh TeamTBC08:0009:30 - 15:00
14/12/2025XMAS MatchBrookhallClubWhole Lake08:0009:30 - 15:00
21/12/2025SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole lake08:0009:30 - 15:00
28/12/2025SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake08:0009:30 - 15:00
04/01/2026Silver Fish onlyOlivers Club Whole lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
11/01/20265 x 3 LeagueOlivers ClubWhole lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
18/01/2026SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole lake 08:3009:30 - 15:00
01/02/2026Silver Fish OnlyOlivers ClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 15:00
02/02/2026CAPS AGM20:00
08/02/2026Sweepstake BrookhallClubWhole Lake08:3009:30 - 15:00
15/02/2026Silver Fish OnlyOliversClubWhole Lake08:3009:30 - 15:00
22/02/2026SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake08:3009:30 - 15:00
01/03/2026SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
01/03/20265 x 3 LeagueCommercial TeamTBC08:30 10:00 - 15:00
08/03/2026SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
15/03/2026SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
22/03/2026SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 16:00
29/03/2026SweepstakePrestons Club1 - 4508:3010:00 - 16:00
Date Title Location Match Type Pegs Draw Time Match Time
13/01/20193 x 5 LeagueAway - Cuton LakesTeam8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st - Paul Connell 45.3.0
2nd - Grump 25.13.0
3rd - Mark Goodwin 17.4.0

1.CAPS 27pts 2.Police 46pts 3.Crown 53pts
03/02/20193 X 5 LeagueAway - Manor FarmClub8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Mark Goodwin CAPS 55:2:0
2nd Paul Connell CAPS 46:2:0
3rd Robert Houlding CAPS 41:8:0
team scores CAPS 19, POLICE 43, CROWN 58

Overall league after 4 of 5 matches 1) CAPS 106pts 2) Police 179 3) Crown 204
17/02/2019SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st peg 25 Paul Connell. 43.0.0 - Skimmers and Tench
2nd peg 12 Ian Carter 18.8.0 - Roach
3rd peg 28 Bob Oakley 15.12.0 - carp 13.8.0 + silvers
4th peg 10 Rob Houlding 12.10.0 - 1 Bream + roach

11 fished.
03/03/2019SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 -15:00
Match Results: 1st peg 17 Mark Goodwin 50.3.0 - 6 Carp
2nd peg 30 Paul Connell 40.12.0 - 5 Carp
3rd peg 1 Robert Houlding 25.0.0 - 3 Carp

Wind and Rain made conditions difficult, winner caught late down the margins on pole fishing pellet.
10/03/20193 x 5 LeagueAway - Hintlesham FisheriesTeam 8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st peg 11 Mark Goodwin CAPS 39.8.0 - 6 carp & 14lb silvers, including 8 large perch.
2nd peg 4 Graham Garnham Police 26.8.0 - Carp
3rd peg 15 Christine Kilgallen Crown 25.4.0 - Carp

Points on day Police 32, CAPS 34, Crown 51, CAPS win league with 140pts from Police 211, Crown 255
17/03/2019Paxmans v CAPSAway - Decoy PondClub8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Gus Lee Paxmans 211.10.0
2nd Peg 14 Andy Howard CAPS 112.12.0
3rd Peg 2 Ian Carter CAPS 44.10.0
Default section winners - Peg 4 Mark Goodwin 42.10.0 and Peg 10 Mick Turner 20.8.0.

Team result (team of 7, weight) Paxmans 306.4.0 CAPS 268.4.0
20/03/2019Private Booking BrookhallPrivateWhole Lake 8:309:30 - 15:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Roger Gillingham 63.11.0 - 7 carp
2nd Peg 1 Trevor Harden 63.6.0 - 7 carp
3rd Peg 21 Mark Orrin 27.3.0 - 3 carp
4th Peg 30 Ian Carter 27.2.0 - 3 carp
24/03/2019SweepstakePrestonsClub1 - 30 8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 9 Rob Houlding 34.0.0
= 2nd Peg 22 Paul Connell and Peg 6 Vince Crawford both 13.0.0
4th Peg 4 Darren Culmer 9.8.0

12 fished All weights skimmers on the feeder.
14/04/2019SweepstakeOliversClubwhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Paul Connell 26.8.0
2nd Peg 20 Rob Houlding 25.0.0
3rd Peg 28 Mark Goodwin 19.4.0

13 fished
28/04/2019SweepstakeAway - Nounsley Middle LakeClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Steve Riches 93.14.0
2nd Peg 17 Andy Howard 58.0.0
3rd Peg 14 S. Crawford 46.12.0
Silvers Peg 15 Glen Cousins 8.8.0

13 fished
12/05/2019SweepstakeLayerclubWhole Lake 8:0010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 19 John Downham 57.8.0
2nd Peg 26 Rob Houlding 48.4.0
3rd Peg 4 Bill Walker 45.10.0

Sections (22 fished)
Peg 17 Peter Hunt 42.2.0
Peg 28 Adam Brett 42.0.0
Peg 36 John Shepard 30.0.0
22/05/2019Private BookingPrestonsPrivate1-158:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: No results available
26/05/2019Sweepstakeolivers - cancelled water closedClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
29/05/2019Private Booking BrookhallPrivateWhole Lake 8:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 42 Glen Cousins 116.4.0
2nd Peg 25 Steve Riches 97.8.0
3rd Peg 32 Dave Harden 96.8.0

01/06/2019Private Booking BrookhallPrivate10-368:30
Match Results: Results not available
02/06/2019SweepstakeOliversOpenWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 32 Andy Howard 72.2.0
2nd Peg 34 Graham Garnham 38.8.0
3rd Peg 25 Keith Burnby (Grump) 38.0.0

Sections 19 Fished
Peg 5 Mick Turner 33.0.0
Peg 28 Bob Oakley 31.8.0

16/06/2019CAPS V PaxmansBrookhallClubWhole Lake 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Sat Nav (pax) 82.4.0
2nd Peg 25 Adam Brett (caps) 80.4.0
3rd Peg 28 Paul Connell (caps) 75.4.0

Silver Fish peg 41 Bill Walker (caps) 22.0.0
Sections Peg 6 Paul Cox (pax) 51.4.0 and Peg 48 Paul Lewis (pax) 45.8.0

Team Paxmans 345lb CAPS 303lb
23/06/2019EICLBillericayTeam8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: CAPS BLUE 2nd CAPS RED 3rd. Full results visit
30/06/2019SweepstakePrestonsClub1 - 30 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 8 Bob Oakley 26.10.0
2nd Peg 1 Andy Howard 15.10.0
3rd Peg 12 Peter Sergeant 12.4.0

Sections - 18 Fished
Peg 2 Darren Culmer 10.4.0
Peg 29 Paul Connell 6.12.0
07/07/2019SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 8 Darren Culmer 136.4.0
2nd Peg 12 V Crawford 61.0.0
3rd Peg 10 John Downham 58.0.0

Silvers Peg 24 Alan Willson 11.0.0
10/07/2019Private Booking BrookhallPrivate10 - 40 8:30
Match Results: No results available
14/07/2019EICLPrestonsTeamWhole Lake 8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 38 Danny Mason 33.8.0 - Bream and Skimmers
2nd Peg 45 Steve Willis 26.8.0
3rd Peg 1 Bob Davis 26.4.0

CAPS RED 2nd CAPS BLUE 7th For Full results visit
17/07/2019Private Booking (colne pensioners)PrestonsPrivate1 - 158:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 2 Mick Smith 18.0.0
2nd Peg 6 P Pound 9.0.0
3rd Peg 8 Bob Huint 6.12.0

14 fished
17/07/2019Private Booking (EPA)Preston’s Private16-308:30
21/07/2019Silver Fish OnlyLayer PitClubR/H Side and Point 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 41 Ian Carter 69.8.0 - 15 Bream
2nd Peg 17 Bob Davis 64.13.0
3rd Peg 42 John Shephard 59.6.0

Sections (23 fished)
Peg 4 Paul Connell 19.8.0
Peg 22 A Lamb 32.0.0
Peg 36 Simon Bond 56.8.0
28/07/2019Russ Goodacre MemorialPrestonsOpen1 - 45 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 31 Mark Goodwin 32.0.0
2nd Peg 36 Lloyd Mahoney 30.10.0
3rd Peg 1 Mick Smith 29.4.0
4th Peg 50 Mark Banks 28.6.0

Sections 30 fished
Peg 2 Andy McCarthy 18.13.0
Peg 25 Mike Blackburn 13.50
Peg 38 Ian Carter 26.12.0
Peg 45 Andy Howard 22.8.0
03/08/201924HR CarpLayer PitClubWhole Lake 10.00Midday to Miday
Match Results: 1st - Largest fish over 24hrs was Galvin Reynolds with a fish just over 29lb. see gallery for the image.
24 fished
04/08/2019SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 27 Ian Carter 61.6.0 (3 carp and skimmers)
2nd Peg 8 Rick McCarthy 59.4.0 (3 carp and skimmers)
3rd Peg 21 Steve Crawford 52.0.0 (all skimmers, 1 tench)

Sections - 16 Fished
Peg 10 Andy McCarthy 44.8.0
Peg 32 Matt Gould 32.8.0
11/08/2019EICLKelvedon WatersTeam8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Paul Chambers Harwich 74.12.0
2nd Steve Willis Does 48.12.0
3rd John Shepherd CAPS Blue 46.5.0

Top 3 weight overall all came from Seabrooks.

CAPS RED 5th CAPS BLUE 3rd For Full results visit

18/08/2019CAPS V Local ClubsPrestonsClub1 - 458:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Alan Leutchford 35.4.0
2nd Peg 44 Paul Chambers 30.14.0
3rd Peg 2 Darren Culmer 30.12.0

Sections 23 fished
Peg 4 Jamie Derry 22.8.0
Peg 42 Alan Lee 23.9.0
BRAINTREE 184.7.0 CAPS 176.3.0
26/08/2019Pairs CharityPrestonsOpenWhole Lake 8:0010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 44 Paul Chambers 37.4.0
2nd Peg 60 Robert Houlding 35.12.0
3rd Peg 31 Barry Hickford 34.12.0

Sections (40 fished)
A Peg 1 Geoff Foreman 26.8.0
B Peg 20 Danny Mason 19.13.0
C Paul Chambers
D Rob Houlding

1) D Mason & P Chambers 20pts
2) Ged Spurgin & B Hickford 18
3) Lloyd Mahoney & M Blackburn 17
01/09/2019SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Alan Wilson 111.12.0
2nd Peg 41 Darren Culmer 87.8.0
3rd Peg 6 Ian Carter 76.12.0

Sections - 16 Fished
Peg 1 Mark Goodwin 58.4.0
Peg 27 Bob Davis 67.6.0

Silvers - Peg 34 Jim Cant 11.14.0 (Inc 3 Bream)
15/09/2019SweepstakeNew InworthClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Mick Turner 33.4.0
2nd Alan Wilson 30.12.0
3rd Paul Connell 23.14.0

8 Fished
18/09/2019Private Booking BrookhallPrivateWhole Lake 8:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Dave Harden 126.11.0
2nd Peg 32 Glen Cousins 104.1.0
3rd Peg 30 Gary Cousin 90.13.0

Silvers Peg 6 Alan Lee 5.9.0 ( 1 Bream and a skimmer)
29/09/2019Charity Carp MatchLayer PitClubWhole Lake 6.3008:00-17:00
Match Results: 1st Owen Fretwell 19 Carp.

Biggest Fish - Stephen Rayner with 29lb 15oz common.
29/09/2019SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 16 Andy Howard 74.6.0 (5 large carp 1 small carp and a tench)
2nd Peg 10 Rick McCarthy 67.8.0
3rd Peg 32 Steve Crawford 62.0.0

Sections (14 Fished)
Peg 3 Mick Smith 34.0.0
Peg 25 Vince Crawford 38.0.0
02/10/2019Private Booking BrookhallPrivate10 - 40 8:00
Match Results: No results available
06/10/2019EICLR ChelmerTeamBoreham, paper mills, Hoe Mill8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Danny Mason 9.10.0 Roach
2nd Russ Samuels 9.2.0
3rd Steve Root 8.5.0

For Full results visit
20/10/2019SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 3 Billy Walker Howard 63.4.0 (inc 4 large carp)
2nd Peg 8 Mark Goodwin 36.4.0
3rd Peg 27 Steve Crawford 33.4.0

Sections (15 Fished)
Peg 18 W Young 21.0.0
Peg 25 Gary Hill 31.6.0
27/10/2019SweepstakeLodge Lake ClubWhole lake08:0009:00 - 14:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 13 Rob Houlding 55.0.0
2nd Peg 14 D Smith 50.12.0
3rd Peg 12 Ian Carter 41.8.0

Sections (18 fished)
Peg 1 Mark Goodwin 35.5.0
Peg 11 Paul Connell 31.12.0
03/11/2019EICLMaldon CanalTeamTBC8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Alan Willson Caps Red 9.8.0
2nd Danny Mason Braintree 9.2.0
3rd Billy Walker Caps Blue 8.14.0

CAPS BLUE 1st CAPS RED 4th For Full results visit
10/11/20194 X 5 LeagueAway - Hadleigh Bullocky Fen TeamWhole Lake8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 9 M Snowling Hadleigh 12.13.0
2nd Peg 12 A Leroy Police 10.8.0
3rd Peg 29 Steve Osborne Police 10.1.0 - Section winner
4th Peg 31 Ian Carter CAPS 8.7.8

Paul Connell peg 7 section winner 4.12.8
Teams 1) Hadleigh 39pts, 2) Police 50pts 3) Crown 60pts 4) CAPS 62pts
17/11/2019SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 28 Mick Turner 27.14.0 (carp)
2nd Peg 12 Paul Connell 24.14.0
3rd Peg 27 Andy Howard 21.8.0

Sections 20 Fished
Peg 5 Vic Crawford 21.0.0
Peg 26 Steve Crawford 19.8.0
24/11/2019SweepstakeCancelled - New InworthClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 15:00
08/12/2019Xmas MatchOliversClubWhole Lake 8:309:30 - 14:30
Match Results: = 1st Peg 21 Ian Carter 21.0.0.
= 1st Peg 18 Gary Hill 21.0.0
2nd Peg Peg 24 Rick McCarthy 19.0.0

Sections (22 fished)
Peg 12 Bill Walker 12.8.0
Peg 38 Russ Samuels 16.12.0
15/12/20194 X 5 LeagueOliversTeamWhole Lake 8:1509.30 - 14:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 18 G Garnham Police 18.6.0
2nd Peg 38 I Carter CAPS 11.2.0
3rd Peg 5 H Jackson Hadleigh 11.0.0 -
Section winner
4th Peg 23 D McKinnon CAPS 10.12.0 Section Winner

20 Fished
Teams 1) Police 41pts, 2) CAPS 43pts 3) Hadleigh 61pts 4) Crown 65pts
05/01/2020EICLColmans CottageTeamPathfield and Stepfield8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Tony Shirmer Does 59.8.0
2nd Tony Eustace Billericay 56.8.0
3rd Kim Naish Chelmsford 52.8.0

CAPS Blue 3rd CAPS Red 7th
For Final League results visit
12/01/20204 X 5 LeagueAway - Hintlesham lakesTeamWhole Lake8:0010:00. - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 8 R Gillingham Crown 27.8.0
2nd Peg 11 K Willmot Hadleigh 27.1.
3rd Peg 10 I Carter CAPS 21.12.0

Teams on day 1) CAPS 40 2) Hadleigh 46pts 3) Police 57pts 4) Crown 67pts

Overall 1) CAPS 145 2) Hadleigh 146 3) Police 148 4) Crown 192
02/02/20204 X 5 LeagueAway - Essex PoliceTeamWhole Lake 8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 3 S. Osborne Police 52.6.0
2nd Peg 9 B Talbot Hadleigh 35.11.0
3rd Peg 1 M Snowling Hadleigh 28.0.0

Teams on day = 1) CAPS and Crown 50pts 3) Police 51pts 4) Hadleigh 57pts

Overall 1) CAPS 195 2) Police 199 3) Hadleigh 203 4) Crown 242
08/03/20204 X 5 LeagueAway - Stonham BarnsTeam08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 20 Kevin Wilding Hadleigh 57.0.0
2nd Peg 11 Steve Osborne Police 40.4.0
3rd Peg 1 Ian Carter CAPS 33.6.0

Teams 1) Police 43 2 CAPS 44 3) Hadleigh 61 4) Crown 62

Final league table
1) CAPS 239 2) Police 242 3) Hadleigh 264 4) Crown 304
15/03/2020Paxmans v CAPSAwayClubTBC
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Gus Paxman’s 60.0.0
2nd Peg 15 Paul Connell CAPS 36.0.0
3rd Peg 3a Robert Houlding CAPS
18/03/2020Private Booking BrookhallPrivateWhole Lake 08:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Ian Carter 92.12.0
2nd Peg 24 Carl Smith 57.0.0
3rd Peg 25 Reg Pointon 45.10.0

14 Fished - Silvers Peg 38 Martin Chalk 6.8.0
29/03/2020SweepstakeOlivers - Cancelled ClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
12/04/2020SweepstakeOlivers - CancelledClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
26/04/2020SweepstakeBrookhall - CancelledClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
29/04/2020Private BookingOlivers - CancelledPrivateWhole Lake08:3009:30 - 15:30
10/05/2020SweepstakePrestons - CancelledClub15 - 4508:3010:00 - 16:00
20/05/2020Private BookingPrestons - CancelledPrivate 1 - 1508:3009:30 - 15:30
24/05/2020SweepstakeOlivers - Cancelled ClubWhole Lake08:30 10:00 - 16:00
27/05/2020Private Booking Brookhall - Cancelled PrivateWhole Lake 08:3009:30 - 15:30
31/05/2020SweepstakeLodge Lake - Cancelled ClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
03/06/2020Private BookingOlivers - Cancelled Private Whole Lake08:30 09:30 - 15:30
07/06/2020SweepstakeBrookhall Club Whole Lake 08:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 47 Chris Orrin 81.0.0
2nd Peg 25 Bob Davis 57.4.0
3rd Peg 45 Jamie Turner 53.4.0

Silver Fish Alan Lamb 8.6.0
Sections (22 fished)
Peg 18 Bill Walker 46.8.0
Peg 27 Rob Houlding 37.2.0
14/06/2020Sweepstake Olivers Club Whole Lake 08:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 32 Jamie Turner 76.1.0
2nd Peg 21 Peter Sargeant 71.10.0
3rd Peg 18 Warren Young 61.2.0

Silver Fish Jamie Turner 25.6.0
Sections (22 fished)
Peg 6 Ian Carter 44.15.0
Peg 25 Andy Howard 37.2.0
17/06/2020Private Booking Olivers - Cancelled Private Whole Lake 08:3009:30 - 15:30
21/06/2020EICL Southminster - Cancelled Team All Lakes 08:0010:00 - 15:00
28/06/2020SweepstakePrestons Club1 - 30 08;30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 11 Danny Mason 24-12-0
2nd Peg 3 Steve Daniels 20-8-0
3rd Peg 1 Peter Lamb 19-10-0
4th Peg 18 Steve Crawford 19-5-0

Sections (29 fished)
Peg 2 Adam Brett 18-6-0
peg 12 Paul Cox 10-8-0
Peg 21 Bill Walker 16-13-0
05/07/2020Sweepstake BrookhallClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 45 Andre Thomas 57.6.0
2nd Peg 1 Kevin Howell 54.14.0
3rd Peg 25 Darren Culmer 47.14.0

Sections 17 fished
Peg 8 Mick Turner 36.0.0
Peg 46 Mark Goodwin 39.8.0
05/07/202024hr Carp Match - Cancelled 24hr Layer Pit - Cancelled ClubWhole Lake TBC TBC
12/07/2020SweepstakePrestons ClubWhole Lake 08:0010:00 - 16.00
Match Results: 1st Peg 44 Darren Culmer 32.1.0
2nd Peg 23 Danny Mason 26.4.0
3rd Peg 2 Alan Willson 25.12.0
4th Peg 42 Russ Samuals 24.10.0

Sections 35 fished
Peg 3 John Sheppard 17.0.0
Peg 30 James Richards 18.11.0
Peg 31 Chris Dyall 22.4.0
15/07/2020Private BookingPrestons 1-18Private1 -18 08:0009:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Results not available
15/07/2020Private Booking BrookhallPrivateWhole Lake08:3009:30 - 15:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Steve Elvin 53.10.0
2nd Peg 12 Steve Osborne 37.10.0
3rd Peg 24 Mick Turner 37.6.0
19/07/2020Sweepstake OliversClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 27 Martin Chalk 42.4.0 (all Bream)
2nd Peg 24 Bob Davis 32.0.0
3rd Peg 36 Andre Thomas 27.3.0
4th Peg 21 James Richards 21.4.0

Sections (22 fished)
Peg 12 Darren Culmer 21.11.0
Peg 20 Steve Daniels 11.4.0
22/07/2020Private BookingBrookhallPrivateWhole Lake08:3009:30 - 15:30
Match Results: Results not available
26/07/2020Russ Goodacre MemorialPrestons Open1 - 4508:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Doug Botley 28.12.0
2nd Peg 25 Danny Mason 25.9.0
3rd Peg 31 Chris Dyall 24.10.0
4th Peg 5 Julian Cullop 20.0.0

Sections (39 Fished)
Peg 9 Paul Chambers 14.8.0
Peg 30 Matt Gould 19.2.0
Peg 37 Tim Bruce 15.1.0
02/08/2020SweepstakeLodge Farm - St OsythClub Whole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Andre Thomas 65.0.0 (Bream)
2nd Peg 11 Steve Palmer 54.0.0 (Bream)
3rd Peg 14 Martin Chalk 48.6.0

Sections (17 fished)
Peg 7 Pete Sargeant 43.2.0
Peg 20 Jamie Turner 42.7.0

09/08/2020EICL Kelvedon - Cancelled Team Kelvedon Waters08:0010:00 - 15:00
14/08/2020Private Booking Brookhall Private Whole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: Results not available
16/08/2020Charity Carp Match Layer - Cancelled ClubWhole Lake TBC TBC
16/08/2020SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 14 Billy Walker 88.10.0
2nd Peg 10 Jamie Turner 77.5.0
3rd Peg 45 Darren Culmer 54.0.0
Silvers Peg 1 Alan Willson 3.2.0

Sections (24 fished)
Peg 16 Danny Mason 53.1.0
Peg 49 Martin Chalk 37.0.0
23/08/2020CAPS V Local Clubs Prestons Club 1 - 45 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Russ Samuals 42.8.0
2nd Peg 7 Mark Banks 32.2.0
3rd Peg 3 Peter Sergeant 31.0.0

Sections (26 fished)
Peg 16 Danny Mason 26.8.0
Peg 24 Chris Sale 21.0.0
Peg 37 Paul Chambers 23.0.0
31/08/2020Pairs Charity Match Prestons Open Whole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 60 Lewis Bray 31.8.0
2nd Peg 23 Robert Houlding 25.10.0
3rd Peg 33 Dean Mansfield 21.12.0

Pairs results (50 fished)
1st Ben and Lewis Bray 15pts - weight 43.8.0
2nd Rob Houlding and Darren Culmer 15pts weight 40.8.0

4 Section winners - P Sargeant - Peg 5 - 11.1.0, Rob Houlding, Dean Mansfield, Lewis Bray.
06/09/2020SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 A Pisano 105.12.0
2nd Peg 49 Kevin Howell 79.4.0
3rd Peg 44 Darren Culmer 58.2.0

Sections (19 fished)
Peg 6 Pete Sargeant 31.8.0
Peg 25 Bob Chesters 41.4.0
13/09/2020SweepstakeLodge Lake - St OsythClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 16;00
Match Results: 1st Peg 9 Pete Sargeant 40 8.0
2nd Peg 17 Jamie Turner 17.0.0
3rd Peg 28 Andy Howard 11.0.0

Sections (18 fished)
Peg 7 Andre Thomas 3.15.0
Peg 11 Bill Walker 6.11.0
Peg 23 Bob Oakley 10.12.0
16/09/2020Private Booking - CancelledBrookhall - CancelledPrivate Whole Lake 08:30 09:30 - 15:30
20/09/2020Silver Fish Only Layer Pit ClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 40 Darren Culmer 96.8.0
2nd Peg 44 Rick McCarthy 83.12.0
3rd Peg 43 Steve Daniels 76.12.0
4th Peg 4 Gary Adams 35.12.0

Sections (31 fished)
Peg 18 Shaun Plumb 35.3.0
Peg 26 Jamie Turner 26.4.0
Peg 37 Bob Oakley 17.0.0
27/09/2020Sweepstake Olivers ClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 6 Mark Goodwin 35.4.0
2nd Peg 36 Darren Culmer 30.5.0
3rd Peg 25 Ian Carter 29.0.0

Sections (20 Fished)
Peg 12 Bob Davis 21.14.0
Peg 38 Bill Walker 13.0.0
04/10/2020EICL R Chelmer - CancelledTeamChelmsford 08:0010:00 - 15:00
07/10/2020Private Booking BrookhallPrivate Whole Lake 08:30 09:30 - 15:30
Match Results: No results available
11/10/2020Sweepstake Prestons Club 1 - 45 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 36 Kevin Howell 35.2.0
2nd Peg 35 Russ Samuels 27.5.0
= 3rd Peg 29 Warren Young and Peg 30 Jamie Turner 17.0.0

Sections (26 fished)
Peg 16 Bill Walker 13.8.0
Peg 20 & 27 Peter Hunt, Chris Janes 12.8.0
Peg 31 J Richards 16.14.0
18/10/2020Silver Fish Only Layer Pit ClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 44 Mick Turner 64.0.0
2nd Peg 28 Frank Sheppard 49.4.0
3rd Peg 26 Steve Crawford 45.12.0
4th Peg 40 Peter Hunt 33.0.0

Sections (32 Fished)
Peg 17 Kevin Howell 12.5.0
Peg 27 Steve Daniels 31.8.0
Peg 42 Alan Lamb 30.0.0
25/10/2020Sweepstake BrookhallClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Alan Willson 64.9.0
2nd Peg 18 Martin Chalk 55.12.0
3rd Peg 21 Peter Sergeant 52.8.0
Silver Fish
Peg 41 Andre Thomas 7.0.0.
Sections (24 fished)
Peg 4 Andy Howard 32.14.0
Peg 25 Adam Brett 50.0.0
01/11/2020EICL Maldon Canal - CancelledTeamMaldon Canal 08:0010:00 - 15:00
08/11/20204 x 5 League Hadleigh - Cancelled TeamBullocky Fen 08:30 10:00 - 15:00
15/11/2020Sweepstake Olivers - Cancelled Club Whole Lake08:30 10:00 - 15:00
22/11/2020Sweepstake Brookhall - Cancelled Club Whole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 15:00
06/12/2020XMAS Match Olivers Club Whole Lake 08:30 09:30 - 14:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Darren Culmer 29.4.0
2nd Peg 34 John Shepherd 17.4.0
3rd Peg 19 Peter Lamb 12.4.8
4th Peg 27 Mark Goodwin 12.4.0

Sections (24 fished)
Peg 1 Ian Carter 11.9.8
Peg 23 Martin Chalk 7.12.0
13/12/20204 x 5 League Crown Club Hintlesham Team Away Hintlesham08:30 09:30 - 14:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 11 Christine Kilgallen Crown 56.11.0
2nd Peg 12 Mark Goodwin CAPS 24.11.0
3rd Peg 18 A. Barber Hadleigh 19.10.0
09/01/2021Silver Fish Only Olivers - Cancelled ClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
10/01/2021EICL Billericay - Cancelled Team Southminster 08:00 10:00 - 15:00
17/01/20214 x 5 League Olivers - Cancelled Team Whole Lake 08:00 09:30 - 14:30
23/01/2021Silver Fish Only Olivers - CancelledClub Whole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 15:30
31/01/20214 x 5 League Essex Police Water - CancelledTeam Goldhanger? 08:0009:30 - 14:30
06/02/2021Silver Fish Only Olivers - CancelledClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
20/02/2021Silver Fish Only Olivers - Cancelled ClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 15:00
28/02/2021Sweepstake Brookhall - Cancelled ClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 15:00
06/03/2021Silver Fish Only Olivers - Cancelled ClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 15:00
07/03/20214 x 5 League Commercial Fishery - Cancelled TeamTBC 08:3009:30 - 14:30
14/03/2021Paxmans v CAPS Decoy Lake - Cancelled Team Whole Lake TBC 10:00 - 15:00
20/03/2021Silver Fish Only Olivers - Cancelled Club Whole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 15:00
28/03/2021Sweepstake Prestons - Cancelled Club 15 - 45 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
11/04/2021SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 36 Bill Walker 27.4.0 (all roach)
2nd Peg 12 Bob Davis 26.14.0
3rd Peg 6 Mark Goodwin 18.14.0

Sections (24 fished - sell out)
Peg 10 Martin Chalk 14.0.0
Peg 18 Peter Lamb 15.8.0
Peg 32 Jamie Turner 14.8.0
21/04/2021Private Booking - Essex VetsOliversPrivateWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: No results available
25/04/2021SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Bill Walker 56.4.0
2nd Peg 23 Julian Cullop 31.4.0
3rd Peg 25 Andy Farrent 29.0.0
4th Peg 1 Mark Goodwin 26.0.0 inc silver pool winner 12.10.0

Sections (32 fished - sell out)
Peg 49 Kevin Howell 24.0.0
Peg 11 Dean Mansfield 7.12.0
Peg 31 Mick Turner 11.0.0
Peg 19 S Bennett 12.0.0
09/05/2021SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 11 James Richards 38.0.0
2nd Peg 27 Dean Mansfield 27.4.0
3rd Peg 16 Rob Houlding 27.4.0

Sections (27 fished - sell out)
Peg 5 Bill Walker 13.8.0
Peg 24 Peter Hunt 24.4.0
Peg 32 Mark Goodwin 19.12.0
19/05/2021PrivatePrestons 1- 15Private1 - 158:00TBA
Match Results: 1st James Portway with 20lbs. (3 bream and 2 skimmers) 2nd John Sutton 18lbs 7oz. (4 bream, 5 skimmers and a few roach).
3rd. Mick Smith 17lb 8oz. (Bream and skimmers and roach).
Several weight were also recorded up to 10lb.
23/05/2021SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Chris Dyall 111.0.0
2nd Peg 24 Dean Field 59.4.0
3rd Peg 47 Peter Sargeant 42.0.0
Silver Fish Chris Dyall 22.0.0

Sections (36 fished)
Peg 46 R Pisano 20.0.0
Peg 17 Warren Young 9.0.0
Peg 23 Bob Davis 26.6.0
Peg 38 Julian Cullop 22.12.0
30/05/2021SweepstakePrestonsClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 8 Alan Lamb 22.10.0 (inc 22.8.0 carp)
2nd Peg 60 Danny Mason 18.14.0
3rd Peg 31 Paul Chambers 17.0.0
4th Peg 49 Bob Davis 7.1.0

Sections (41 fished)
Peg 6 Matt Gould 6.0.0
Peg 29 Mark Goodwin 0.13.0
Peg 35 Martin Chalk 4.3.0
Peg 55 Kevin Howell 5.14.0
06/06/2021WE Wass MemorialBrookhallOpen Whole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 42 Dean Field 57.8.0
2nd Peg 6 Simon White 50.0.0
3rd Peg 25 Paul Connell 44.0.0
Silver Fish peg 10 Laurie Snell 13.13.0

Sections (22 fished)
Peg 16 Andy Howard 39.12.0
Peg 34 Bob Davis 36.0.0
13/06/2021SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 31 Jamie Turner 62.0.0
2nd Peg 11 Simon White 45.10.0
3rd Peg 25 Peter Sargeant 35.12.0
4th Peg 1 Billy Walker 30.14.0

Sections (28 Fished))
Peg 10 Laurie Snell 25.8.0
Peg 22 Julian Cullop 28.0.0
Peg 30 Andy Howard 20.0.0
20/06/2021EICLBillericayTeamSouthminster8:1510:00 - 15:00
Match Results: For full results go to
27/06/2021SweepstakePrestons Club1 - 458:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 31 Martin Chalk 46.15.0
2nd Peg 22 Russ Samuels 41.15.0
3rd Peg 28 Dean Field 23.0.0

Sections (30 fished)
Peg 7 Ian Carter 17.0.0
Peg 13 Danny Mason 20.10.0
Peg 24 Darren Culmer 19.14.0
Peg 39 Adam Brett 19.13.4
03/07/202124hr Carp MatchLayerClubWhole Lake8.0024hrs
Match Results: Largest Carp Shane Wild 28.13.0
04/07/2021SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Kevin Howell 80.10.0
2nd Peg 14 Bill Walker 68.13.0
3rd Peg 16 Simon White 30.4.0
Silver Fish peg 8 Julian Cullop 27.0.0

Sections (24 fished)
Peg 49 Pete Sargeant 30.0.0
Peg 40 Jamie Turner 15.4.0
Peg 27 Derek Crowhurst 24.2.0
11/07/2021EICLPrestons TeamWhole Lake8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Results: For full results go to
14/07/2021Private BookingPrestons 1 - 14Private 1 - 14 8:009:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st John Sutton 22lbs 5oz.
2nd Mick Murton 17lbs 8oz.
3rd Peter Pound 14lbs 1oz.

12 Anglers fished.
18/07/2021Sweepstake OliversClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Jamie Turner 211.10.0 (new club match record)
2nd Peg 20 Simon White 63.2.0
=3rd Peg 37 Robert Houlding & Peg 22 Billy Walker 38.0.0

Sections (23 fished)
Peg 1 Mark Goodwin 29.0.0
Peg 19 Steve Palmer 21.0.0
Peg 35 Laurie Snell 28.8.0
21/07/2021Private Booking - Essex VetsBrookhallPrivate Whole Lake TBC 11:00 - 19:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 41 Bill Walker 40.10.0
2nd Peg 38 Dave Enderson 35.10.0
3rd Peg 16 Liz Larkin 26.4.0
24/07/2021Junior Teach in Olivers Junior CoachingClubWhole Lake 9:0010:00 - 15:00
25/07/2021Russ Goodacre MemorialPrestons Open 1 - 508:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 50 Doug Botley 29.12.0
2nd Peg 3 Bill Walker 28.12.0
3rd Danny Mason 28.0.0

Sections (30 fished)
Peg 12 Mark Banks 23.6.0
Peg 24 Dean Field 21.4.0
Peg 31 Kevin Howell 17.14.0
Peg 44 Andy Howard 16.0.0
01/08/2021Sweepstake Lodge - St OsythClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 7 Bill Walker 29.8.0
2nd Peg 8 Simon White 29.4.0
3rd Peg 6 Peter Sargeant 24.12.0

Peg 10 Bob Davis 21.4.0
Peg 5 Warren Young 22.8.0
08/08/2021EICL KelvedonTeamKelvedon waters8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: For full results go to
11/08/2021Private - Essex VetsPrestons Private 1 - 30 TBC 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 3 Bill Walker 36.12.0
2nd Peg 7 Bob Davis 23.0.0
3rd Peg 11 Dennis Jarvis 19.8.0
4th Peg 22 Dave Lewis 19.0.0
5th Peg 9 Bob Cheeseman 17.0.0
13/08/2021Private Booking OliversPrivateWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Graham Garnham 60.14.0
2nd Peg 37 Trevor Harden 46.1.0
3rd Peg 35 Chris Richardson 30.13.0

Silvers Default Peg 23 Glen Cousins 27.9.0
Peg 10 Steve Palmer 25.11.0
Peg 33 Don Burns 19.7.0
15/08/2021Silver Fish Only LayerClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 19 Alan Willson 24.10.0
2nd Peg 44 Peter Hunt 14.2.0
3rd Peg 43 Jamie Turner 13.4.0
22/08/2021CAPS V Local Clubs Prestons club 1 - 508:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Danny Mason 43.9.0
2nd Peg 44 Simon White 42.13.0
3rd Peg 39 Mark Banks 40.3.0

Sections (5 pegs)
Peg 3 Julian Cullop 38.10.0
Peg 11 Dean Field 31.4.0
Peg 25 Russ Samuels 25.4.0
Peg 36 Peter Hunt 17.10.0
Peg 42 Alan Luetchford 22.0.0
25/08/2021Private Booking Prestons Private 1 - 15TBA 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Mel Roscoe 16lbs 6oz.
2nd Mick Smith 15lbs 15oz.
3rd James Portway 14lbs 6oz.

15 anglers fished
30/08/2021Charity Pairs MatchPrestons OpenWhole Lake8:0010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: Individual Winner - Peg 2 Danny Mason 48.14.0

Pairs result
1st Kieth Gooderham and Tim Bruce 19pts
2nd Danny Mason and Paul Chambers 18pts
3rd Kevin Howell and Simon White 17pts

40 Fished
05/09/2021EICLHarwich / ColemansTeamStepfield 8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Results: For full results go to
12/09/2021SweepstakeSt OsythClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 16 Julian Collup 60.12.0
2nd Peg 7 Kevin Howell 29.0.0
3rd Peg 3 Dean Field 20.0.0

Sections (23 fished)
Peg 1 Rob Houlding 11.8.0
Peg 13 Jamie Turner 11.12.0
19/09/2021Silver Fish Only LayerClubWhole Lake 8:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 28 Danny Mason 89.2.8
2nd Peg 23 Warren Young 51.7.0
3rd Peg 29 Ian Carter 47.0.0

Sections (25 fished)
Peg 17 Martin Chalk 26.4.0
Peg 27 Jamie Turner 45.9.0
Peg 43 Steve Cottis 46.15.0
26/09/2021EICLChelmsfordTeamR Chelmer 8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Results: For full results go to
03/10/2021CAPS V ESSEX POLICEOlivers ClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 37 Jamie Turner 46.12.0
2nd Peg 27 Bill Walker 42.0.0
3rd Peg 25 Graham Garnham 37.0.0

Sections (26 fished)
Peg 6 Bob Davis 23.6.0
Peg 24 Peter Hunt 20.2.0
Peg 28 Stuart 29.3.0
10/10/2021SweepstakePrestonsClub1 - 458:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 16 Peter Sargeant 30.6.0
2nd Peg 25 Kevin Howell 25.15.0
3rd Peg 21 Warren Young 25.8.0

Peg 1 James Richards 25.6.0
Peg 26 Derek Crowhurst 20.15.0
Peg 37 Jamie Turner 19.2.0
17/10/202112 hr Carp Match LayerClubWhole LakeTBCTBC
Match Results: Alex Luscombe most fish caught with 10 carp.
Trevor Quattro with the largest carp off the day at 24.10oz

£2180 raised for Charity
24/10/2021SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Bob Davis 62.4.0
2nd Peg 33 Andy Howard 41.14.0
3rd Peg 24 Bill Walker 38.2.0

Silver fish Peg 30 Alan Lamb 36.12.0
Peg 1 Mark Goodwin 20.0.0
Peg 25 Kim Naish 15.6.0
31/10/2021EICLMaldon Canal TeamTBC 8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Full results at
07/11/2021 5 x 4 TeamHadleighTeamBullocky Fen8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 19 Christine Kilgallen Crown 13.6.0
2nd Peg 14 Graham Garnham Police 9.8.8
3rd Peg 29 M Snowling Hadleigh 8.2.0
4th Peg 25 Mark Goodwin CAPS 7.4.0
14/11/2021SweepstakeOliversClub Whole Lake8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Bill Walker 40.8.0 (all silvers)
2nd Peg 20 Bob Davis 29.0.0
3rd Peg 23 Paul Connell 27.6.0

Sections (17 fished)
Peg 8 Mark Goodwin 20.9.0
Peg 25 Warren Young 19.14.0
21/11/2021SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 45 Bill Walker 29.14.0
2nd Peg 47 Derek Crowhurst 28.2.0
3rd Peg 8 Kevin Howell 15.14.0

Sections (18 fished)
Peg 33 Mark Goodwin 12.5.0
Peg 43 Andre Thomas 6.10.0
05/12/2021SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 38 Bill Walker 12.13.0
2nd Peg 37 Rob Houlding 12.1.0
3rd Peg 24 Julian Cullop 11.9.0

Sections (22 fished)
Peg 8 Paul Connell 10.7.0
Peg 25 Martin Chalk 9.3.0
Peg 35 Peter Sargeant 5.5.0
12/12/20215 x 4 TeamCrown TeamManor Farm Ipswich8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 17 K Burmby (Grump) Police 27.12.0
2nd Peg 14 Alan Willson CAPS 23.4.0
3rd Peg 13 Bob Talbot Hadleigh 16.4.0
19/12/2021Xmas MatchOliversClub Whole Lake8:009:30 - 14:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 20 Jamie Turner 17.12.0
2nd Peg 23 Rob Houlding 16.15.0
3rd Peg 8 Andy Howard 16.9.0

Sections (22 fished)
Peg 5 Dean Field 11.8.0
Peg 19 Bob Davis 11.0.0
Peg 36 Alan Willson 14.3.0
08/01/2022Silver Fish Only Olivers ClubWhole Lake 8:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 18 Bill Walker 11.11.0
2nd Peg 34 Simon White 10.7.0
3rd Peg 21 Julian Cullop 9.7.0

16/01/20225 X 4 League Olivers TeamWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Ist Peg 20 Alan Willson CAPS 18.4.0
2nd Peg 3 Rob Houlding CAPS 14.7.0
= 3rd Peg 34 Paul Connell CAPS 10.12.0
Peg 25 Mark Goodwin CAPS 10.12.0
Peg 12 Martin Chalk CAPS 8.15.0

20 fished (4 team of 5) caps took top 5 places
22/01/2022Silver Fish OnlyOliversClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Bill Walker 14.0.0
2nd Peg 37 Chris Dyall 13.8.0
= 3rd Peg 25 Kevin Howell 13.2.0 and Peg 26 Simon White 13.2.0
23/01/2022SweepstakeMaldon CanalClubTBC 8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 27 Bill Walker 18.1.0
2n Peg 28 Russ Samuels 13.8.0

Match moved to Pebmarsh
30/01/20225 x 4 LeagueEssex PoliceTeamGoldhanger 8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 9 A. Barber, Hadleigh 64.0.0
2nd Peg 7 Mark Goodwin, CAPS 26.4.0
3rd Peg 10 Paul Smedley, Police 20.4.0
4th Peg 26 Graham Garnham, Police 12.14.0
05/02/2022Silver Fish OnlyOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Peter Lamb 30.14.0
2nd Peg 32 Bill Walker 24.0.0
3rd Peg 34 Paul Connell 13.12.0
13/02/2022SweepstakeOliversClubTBC 8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Laurie Snell 16.10.0
2nd Peg 24 Warren Young 14.0.0
3rd Peg 32 Jamie Turner 12.15.0

Sections (16 fished)
Peg 23 Dean Field 12.13.0
Peg 34 Bill Walker 11.14.0
19/02/2022Silver Fish OnlyOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Steve Palmer 21.14.0
2nd Peg 34 Warren Young 17.4.0
3rd Peg 36 Kevin Howell 15.2.0
27/02/2022SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 44 Bob Davis 27.4.0
2nd Peg 21 Bill Walker 22.0.0 (6 bream)
3rd Peg 38 Allan Lamb 19.12.0

Sections (22 fished)
Peg 1 Alan Willson 8.12.0
Peg 27 Jamie Turner 18.14.0
05/03/2022Silver Fish OnlyOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 20 Steve Holden 28.5.0
2nd Peg 21 Alan Luetchford 26.13.0
3rd Peg 27 Kevin Howell 23.4.8
06/03/20225 x 4 LeagueStonham Barns Team8.308:00 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 11 Graham Garnham Police 23.10.0
2nd Peg 10 Bob Talbot Hadleigh 16.8.0
3rd Peg 19 Steve Osborne Police 11.14.0
4th Peg 20 Alan Willson CAPS 11.6.0

Final team placings after 5 rounds
1 CAPS 236
2 Police 256
3 Hadleigh 263
4 Crown 319
13/03/2022SweepstakeMaldon Canal - CancelledClubTBC 8:3010:00 - 15:00
19/03/2022Silver Fish OnlyOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Paul Connell 34.4.0
2nd Peg 25 Steve Palmer 30.14.0
3rd Peg 34 Jamie Turner 28.4.0
27/03/2022SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 12 Peter Sargent 61.4.0
2nd Peg 36 Jamie Turner 42.1.0
3rd Peg 35 Chris Dyall 32.15.0

Sections (23 fished)
Peg 5 Mick Turner 20.4.0
Peg 21 Laurie Snell 24.2.0
Peg 27 Julian Cullop 28.13.0
10/04/2022SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Jamie Turner 36.4.0
2nd Peg 19 Warren Young 27.10.0
3rd Peg 14 Mick Turner 27.6.0

Sections (24 fished)
Peg 10 Chris Dyall 25.3.0
Peg 21 Bob Davis 27.0.0
Peg 27 Rob Houlding 18.14.0
13/04/2022Private - ColnePrestons Private1 - 20 8:0009:00- 15:00
Match Results: 1st Barry Sutton 85lb 7oz
2nd John Sutton 83lb 1oz
3rd Rick Mccarthy 68lb 14oz
Section winners (19 fished) were Paul Cass 34lb 13oz
and Brian Wilkin 6lb 13oz.
17/04/2022SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 41 Jamie Turner 62.14.0
2nd Peg 47 Simon White 60.4.0
3rd Peg 29 Chris Dyall 48.4.0

Sections (24 fished)
Peg 1 Billy Walker 26.14.0
Peg 19 Bob Davis 37.6.0
Peg 25 Dean Field 40.4.0
Peg 39 Ian Carter 17.2.0
01/05/2022SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 3 Gary Sage 61.4.0
2nd Peg 18 Simon White 42.14.0
3rd Peg 28 Jamie Turner 42.0.0

Sections (25 fished)
Peg 9 Andy Howard 40.9.0
Peg 19 Dean Field 30.8.0
Peg 38 Danny Mason 38.2.0
11/05/2022Private booking - Essex VetsOliversPrivateWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 20 Bill Walker 54.0.0
2nd Peg 31 Bob Chester 31.0.0
3rd Peg 18 Dave Lewis 27.4.0
22/05/2022Summer League OpenColemans CottageOpen Team of 4TBCTBCTBC
25/05/2022Private - Colne Prestons Private1 - 20TBC 8:30 - 17:00
Match Results: 1st Mick Smith (Clacton) with 7lb 11oz on the pole with punched bread
2nd John Sutton with 5lb 2oz of roach on the whip
3rd Andy McCarthy with 4lb 5oz of mainly perch on worm
29/05/2022SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Simon White 61.4.0
2nd Peg 22 Dean Constable 53.8.0
3rd Peg 8 Bill Walker 45.0.0

Sections (25 fished)
Peg 5 Jamie Turner 35.4.0
Peg 24 Warren Young 37.10.0
Peg 32 Gary Sage 22.6.0
05/06/2022Summer League OpenSuffolk Water ParkOpen Team of 4TBCTBCTBC
12/06/2022WE WASS Memorial BrookhallOpenWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Simon White 41.4.0
2nd Peg 30 Bob Davis 39.10.0
3rd Peg 47 Mick Turner 37.4.0

Sections (23 fished)
Peg 1 Dean Field 23.6.0
Peg 16 Tony Lee 19.12.0
Peg 25 Pete Sargeant 27.12.0
Peg 41 Bill Walker 35.8.0 (Silver fish pool winner)
18/06/2022ACI CoachingOliversCoaching 21 - 398:009:30 - 14:30
19/06/2022EICL Billericay Team Southminster08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Full results at
26/06/2022SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Andy Howard 68.4.0
2nd Peg 27 Dean Field 55.6.0
3rd Peg 28 Peter Sergeant 52.8.0

Sections (20 fished)
Peg 8 Bob Davis 37.4.0
Peg 20 Paul Connell 39.0.0
Peg 36 Julian Cullop 23.10.0
02/07/202224hr Carp MatchLayer ClubWhole LakeTBC24hrs
Match Results: 1st Enzo 25lb 7oz largest fish.
03/07/2022Summer League OpenPrestonsOpen Team of 41 - 4508:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 22 Barry Hickford 19.12.0
2nd Peg 37 Paul Rossington 17.14.0
3rd Peg 13 Dean Field 16.12.0
03/07/202224 Hour Carp MatchLayerClubWhole LakeTBCTBC
Match Results: 1st Enzo 25lb 7oz largest fish.
06/07/2022Private Booking - Colne Prestons Private1 - 2508:0008:30 - 17:00
Match Results: 1st Barry Sutton 22lb 09oz
2nd Peter Pound 20lb 13oz
3rd Tim Sage 20lb 08oz

1st section winner Mick Murton 19lb 01oz
2nd section winner John Sutton 11lb 10oz
3rd section winner Mick Smith 15lb 09oz
4th section winner Andy Mccarthy 10lb 09oz
10/07/2022SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Simon White 54.1.0
2nd Peg 36 Laurie Snell 51.2.0
3rd Peg 34 Warren Young 49.6.0

Peg 21 Martin Chalk 47.3.0
Peg 32 Bob Davis 48.4.0
16/07/2022ACI CoachingOliversClub 21 - 398:0009:30 - 14:30
17/07/2022EICL Prestons TeamWhole Lake 1 - 60 07:0008:30 - 13:30
Match Results: 1st peg 46 P Chambers 17lb 5oz
2nd peg 45 T Shirmer 15lb 13oz
= 3rd peg 37 W Young 12lb 8oz
= 3rd peg 60 R Samuels 12lb 8oz
5th peg 44 A Willson 12lb 5oz
Full results and league to date can be found at
23/07/2022CAPS Teach in OliversClubWhole Lake 9:0010:00 - 15:00
24/07/2022Russ Goodacre Memorial Prestons Open1 -5008:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 22 Danny Mason 25.12.0
2nd Peg 35 Dean Field 21.6.0
3rd Peg 3 Chris 18.4.0
30/07/2022ACI CoachingOlivers Club21 -398:009:30 - 14:30
31/07/2022SweepstakeRiver Stour - BoxtedClub1 - 2108:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Warren Young 5.12.0
2nd Peg 9 Ian Carter 4.14.0
3rd Peg 16 Bill Walker 4.4.0

Sections (15 Fished)
Peg 8 Alan Willson 3.15.0
Peg 18 Bob Davis 3.3.0
03/08/2022ACI CoachingPrestonsCoaching10 - 30 8:009:30 - 14:00
04/08/2022Private BookingOliversPrivateWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
07/08/2022EICLKelvedon watersTeamTBC08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Full results at
10/08/2022Private Booking PrestonsPrivate1 - 30 8:30 10:00 - 16:00
14/08/2022Summer League OpenSuffolk Water ParkOpen Team of 4TBC TBC 10:00 - 16:00
21/08/2022CAPS V Local Clubs PrestonsClub1 - 508:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 3 Danny Mason 36.8.0
2nd Peg 1 Mark Banks 29.13.0
3rd Peg 18 Bill Walker 29.4.0

Sections (18 fished)
Peg 16 Andy Howard 17.15.0
Peg 26 Steve Palmer 25.4.0
Peg 40 Dean Field 27.10.0
28/08/2022SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Bob Davis 71-8-0 Peg 27 carp plus 27lb of silvers
2nd Mark Orrin 70-4-0 Peg 25 mainly carp plus nearly 10lb silvers
3rd Mark Goodwin 68-10-0 Peg 8 50/50 carp and silvers

1-20 Tony Lee 55-13-0 Peg12
21-38 Simon White 56-8-0 Peg 24
29/08/2022Pairs Charity MatchPrestons OpenWhole Lake8:0010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 31 Ged Spurgin 45.15.0
2nd Peg 2 Bill Walker 31.5.0
3rd Peg 21 Darren Marder 30.11.0
4th Peg 20 Dean Field 30.10.0
04/09/2022EICLColemans CottageTeamWood and Pathfield08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Full results at
11/09/2022SweepstakeSt OsythClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Steve Crawford 95-13-0 (bream)
2nd Peg 9 Mark Orrin 69-11-0
3rd Peg 25 Simon White 59-2-0

Section (24 fished)
Peg 10 Bill Walker 38-11-0
Peg 11 Mick Turner 53-4-0
Peg 22 Julian Cullop 56-14-0
17/09/2022ACI CoachingPrestonsCoaching7 - 308:00 09:30 - 14:00
18/09/2022Silverfish Only LayerClubWhole Lake08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 27 Martin Chalk 73-0-0
2nd Peg 28 Dean Constable 65-10-0
3rd Peg 30 Warren Young 41-2-0

Sections (27 fished)
Peg 18 Danny Mason 35-0-0
Peg 26 Simon White 31-2-0
Peg 41 Shaun Plumb 18-12-0
21/09/2022Private Booking - ColnePrestonsPrivate1-25 08:0008:30 - 17:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 22 Mick Murton 20lb 14oz (Roach)
2nd Barry Barnbrook 18lb 9oz
3rd Peg 24 John Sutton 14lb 14oz
25/09/2022EICLR ChelmerTeamTBC08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Full results at
01/10/2022ACI CoachingOliversCoaching 21 - 3908:0009:30 - 14:00
02/10/2022Summer League OpenR Chelmer Open Team of 4TBC08:00TBC
09/10/2022Silverfish Only LayerClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 17 Warren Young 85.12.0
2nd Peg 18 Allan Lamb 76.2.0
3rd Peg 23 Dean Constable 49.0.0

Sections (23 fished)
Peg 14 Julian Cullop 32.7.0
Peg 24 Steve Crawford 22.4.0
Peg 42 Dean Field 26.2.0
16/10/2022Carp MatchLayerClubWhole LakeTBCTBC
Match Results: We would like to thank all participants and to members that purchased raffle tickets.
Sponsors that kindly donated prizes
Mainline baits
Free spirit fishing
Elmstead tackle
Angling direct
Colchester bait and Tackle.

Most fish caught - felicity Taylor, with a little help from dad Simon Taylor 10 carp including a 31.2 common
Biggest carp goes to Chris Lewis with a 33.10 common
16/10/2022SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake08:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 20 Julian Cullop 55.0.0
2nd Peg 16 Warren Young 46.8.0
3rd Peg 12 Dave Pilsworth 45.12.0

Peg 23 Steve Holden 18.10.0
Peg 36 Peter Sargeant 22.12
23/10/2022Summer League OpenMaldon Canal Open Team of 4TBCTBCTBC
30/10/20225 X 4 League Hadleigh - Bullocky FenTeam of 5 Whole Lake08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 23 Bob Talbot HADLEIGH 14.6.0
2nd Peg 31 Mark Snowling HADLEIGH 13.2.0
3rd Peg 22 Paul Connell CAPS 12.12.0
4th Peg 29 Rob Houlding CAPS 8.5.8

Hadleigh 36
Police 62
Crown 70
30/10/2022SweepstakeOliversClubWhole lake08:0009:30 - 15:30
Match Results: 1st peg 18 Bob Davis 52-8-0
2nd peg 24 Bill Walker 31-0-0
3rd peg 27 Steve Palmer 22-2-0
06/11/2022EICL Maldon CanalTeamTBC08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: CAPS Blue won league

Full results at
13/11/2022SweepstakeOliversClubWhole lake 08:0009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Bob David 48.10.0
2nd Peg 2 Andy Howard 32.10.0
3rd Peg 12 Martin Chalk 29.0.0

Peg 7 Warren Young 21.0.0
Peg 21 Dean Field 22.8.0
Peg 25 Danny Ramsey 23.12.0
20/11/2022Summer League OpenColemans CottageOpen Team of 4 TBCTBCTBC
27/11/2022SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake08:0009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 28 Julian Cullop 29.0.0
2nd Peg 14 Bill Walker 25.10.0
3rd Peg 12 Simon White 24.12.0

Sections 23 fished
Peg 10 Steve Palmer 21.8.0
Peg 20 Kevin Howell 23.14.0
Peg 36 Steve Holden 20.0.0
04/12/2022SweepstakeOliversClub Whole lake08:0009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 5 Andy Howard 47.0.0
2nd Peg 34 Bill Walker 27.10.0
3rd Peg 38 Simon White 25.8.0

Peg 10 Paul Connell 20.6.0
Peg 36 Gary Sage 15.14.0
11/12/20225 x 4 League Crown AC Coleman’s CottageTeam of 5 Pathfield08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Rearranged for 12th Feb Original Match Cancelled as lake frozen
Results from 12th
1st Peg 57 Paul Connell CAPS 61.11.0
2nd Peg 53 Rob Houlding CAPS 46.2.0
3rd Peg 45 Mark Goodwin CAPS 45.1.0

Teams on day (league to date)
CAPS 30 (137)
Hadleigh 49 (179)
Crown 53 (298)
Police 78 (253)
18/12/2022XMAS Match OliversClubWhole Lake08:0009:30 - 14:30
Match Results: Cancelled lake frozen
07/01/2023Silver fish only Olivers ClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 37 Chris Dyall 34.1.0
2nd Peg 35 Pete Lamb 26.1.0
3rd Peg 5 Tony Lee 22.7.0
15/01/20235 x 4 League Olivers Team of 5 Whole Lake 08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 23 Rob Houlding CAPS 27.12.0
2nd Peg 32 Ian Carter CAPS 27.5.0
3rd Peg 10 Alan Willson CAPS 13.2.0
4th Peg 18 Paul Connell CAPS 12.0.0

Teams on day (league to date)
CAPS 20 (62)
Hadleigh 41 (77)
Police 64 (126)
Crown 85 (155)
21/01/2023Silver fish only OliversClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Lake Frozen
29/01/20235 X 4 League Essex Police GoldhangerTeam of 5Whole Lake08:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Graham Garnham Police 38.8.0
2nd Peg 10 Bob Talbot Hadleigh 28.8.0
3rd Peg 6 Colin Hynard Hadleigh 2.14.0
4th Peg 18 Rob Houlding CAPS 2.12.0

Teams on day (league to date)
CAPS 45 (107)
Police 49 (175)
Hadleigh 53 (130)
Crown 90 (245)
04/02/2023Silver Fish onlyOlivers ClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
12/02/2023Sweepstake OliversClubWhole Lake08:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Bob Davis 35.12.0
2nd Peg 20 Bill Walker 26.0.0
3rd Peg 3 Dean Field 23.4.0
18/02/2023Silver fish onlyOliversClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
26/02/2023SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Warren Young 61.8.0
2nd Peg 29 Graham Garnham 59.0.0
3rd Peg 46 Tony Lee 33.0.0

Sections (22 fished)
peg 20 Bill Walker 32.12.0
Peg 25 Pete Sargeant 32.8.0
Silvers Warren Young 19.12
04/03/2023Silver Fish onlyOliversClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 32 Warren Young 70.0.0
2nd Peg 24 Tony Lee 28.7.0
3rd Peg 23 Bill Walker 26.7.0
05/03/20235 x 4 League Manor Farm - IpswichTeam of 5 New Lake08:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 14 Bob Talbot HADLEIGH 46.4.0
2nd Peg 7 Rob Houlding CAPS 36.6.0
=3rd Peg 3 Paul Connell CAPS 24.10.0
=3rd Peg 11 Ian Carter CAPS 24.10.0

Team points (Final league table)
CAPS 27 (164)
Hadleigh 46 (225)
Police 63 (316)
Crown 72 (370)
12/03/2023SweepstakeBrookhallClubTBC08:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 28 Paul Connell 109.12.0
2nd Peg 25 Mark Goodwin 93.0.0
3rd Peg 12 Warren Young 66.10.0
18/03/2023Silver Fish onlyOliversClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Steve Holden 45.5.0
2nd Peg 21 Warren Young 37.8.0
3rd Peg 1 Dean Field 22.12.0

Peg 3 Simon White 22.8.0
Peg 38 Julian Cullop 22.8.0
26/03/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake 08:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 5 Graham Garnham 79.15.0
2nd Peg 35 Warren Young 30.5.0
3rd Peg 3 Rob Houlding 26.0.0

Sections (22 fished)
= Peg 10 & 8 Paul Connell & Dean Field 20.8.0
Peg 20 Billy Walker 21.0.0
Peg 38 Ian Carter 16.4.0
09/04/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 6 Dean Field 82.1.0
2nd Peg 32 Martin Chalk 64.13.0
3rd Peg 28 Bill Walker 62.3.0
4th Peg 12 Mark Goodwin 49.12.0

Sections (26 fished)
Peg 11 Warren Young 44.13.0
Peg 16 Simon White 45.2.0
Peg 27 Julian Cullop 40.12.0
13/04/2023SweepstakeInworth 2ClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 3 Kevin Howell 31.8.0
2nd Peg 10 Warren Young 25.2.0
3rd Peg 5 C Janes 24.10.0

11 fished
16/04/2023SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Bill Walker 144.8.0
2nd Peg 27 Tony Lee 101.0.0
3rd Peg 30 Matt Gould 100.12.0

Sections (23 fished)
Peg 18 Kevan Martin 46.4.0
Peg 25 Allan Lamb 81.14.0
Peg 38 Paul Bird 87.12.0
Silvers Peg 21 Pete Sargent 28.0.0
23/04/2023SweepstakePrestons Club1 -458:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 3 Warren Young 82.14.0
2nd Peg 1 Mark Goodwin 76.6.0
3rd Peg 10 Dean Constable 54.0.0
(all weights made up of Bream)

Sections (29 fished)
Peg 4 Danny Mason 42.2.0
Peg 26 Ian Carter 37.10.0
Peg 45 Dave Pilsworth 49.0.0
30/04/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st peg 11 Simon White 107-4-0 Several Carp
2nd peg 27 Billy Walker 79-0-0 Mainly Carp
3rd peg 3 Danny Mason 71-15-0 (53-0-0 Silvers)

Silvers by Default Chris Dyall Peg 8 43-2-0

Sections (25 fished)
Peg 6 Dean Constable 57-11-0
Peg 21 Rob Houlding 46-12-0
Peg 32 Paul Bird 49-0-0
07/05/2023Charity MatchBrookhallOpenWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: Brad Kendall Most Carp and largest fish.
11/05/2023SweepstakePrestons Club1 - 208:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Ian Carter 97.8.0
2nd Peg 18 Dean Constable 69.14
3rd Peg 10 Dean Field 50.4.0

Sections (19 fished)
Peg 5 Danny Mason 35.0.0
Peg 19 Paul Connell 45.12.0
14/05/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st peg 10 Kevin Howell 55.14.0
2nd peg 21 Mick Turner 55.4.0
3rd peg 20 Paul Connell 45.0.0

Silvers Chris Dyall Peg 24 39.4.0

Sections (19 fished)
Peg 8 Mark Goodwin 37.0.0
Peg 32 Alan Willson 30.0.0
21/05/2023SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st peg 47 Simon White 112.0.0
2nd peg 24 Billy Walker 98.2.0
3rd peg 45 Paul Chambers 56.12.0

Silvers Russ Samual Peg 31 32.8.0

Sections (24 fished)
Peg 1 Alan Willson 54.8.0
Peg 27 Bob Davis 56.6.0
Peg 39 Andy Howard 55.2.0
28/05/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results:
1st Simon White 42-10-0 Peg 1
2nd Paul Connell 40-10-0 Peg 21
3rd Chris Dyall 35-8-0 Peg 5

Silvers by default Warren Young 32-2-0 Peg 10

Sections both by default
1-20 Paul Bird 24-4-0 Peg 12
21-38 Mick Turner 25-9-0 Peg 34
04/06/2023SweepstakeSt OsythClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st peg 25 Paul Bird 112.7.0 (13 Bream)
2nd peg 5 Billy Walker 20.4.0 (2 carp and 4-8-0 silvers)
3rd peg 28 Steve Crawford 19.14.0 (2 bream + 6lb carp)

Sections;22 fished
4 -11 Steve Palmer Peg 6 6 -10- 0 by default
12 - 19 Alan Lamb Peg 15 6 - 0 - 0
20 -28 Simon White Peg 25 7 - 15- 0 by double default
08/06/2023SweepstakeInworth 2 ClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st peg 2 Simon White 54.4.0
2nd peg 1 Andy Howard 10.0.0
11/06/2023Charity OpenBrookhallOpenWhole lake8;3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 38 Simon White 94.10.0
2nd Peg 4 Matt Gould 90.8.0
3rd Peg 48 Kevan Martin 68.4.0

Silvers by default Peg 16 Bob Davis 33.0.0

Peg 1 Bill Walker 53.0.0
Peg 24 Paul Bird 57.1.0
Peg 46 Paul Connell 47.14.0
17/06/2023ACI Teach InOliversTeach in22 - 39 8:3009:30 - 15:30
18/06/2023Essex Inter Club LeagueBrookhallTeam MatchWhole lake8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: For full results go to
25/06/2023Sweepstake OliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 32 Paul Chambers 98.14.0
2nd Peg 21 Danny Mason 82.10.0
3rd Peg 28 Danny Rampling 76.14.0

Silvers Peg 12 Ian Carter 54.10.0

Sections. (20 fished)
1-20 Peg 18 Dean Constable 45.14.0
21-38 Peg 23 Bob Davis 50.12.0
01/07/2023ACI Teach In PrestonsTeach In 10 - 30 8:3009:30 - 15:30
02/07/2023Sweepstake BrookhallClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 14 Bob Davis 110.0.0
2nd Peg 24 Alan Willson 101.0.0
3rd Peg 25 Mick Turner 87.8.0

Silvers by default Peg 20 Bill Walker 31.12.0

Peg 10 Martin Chalk 65.15.0
Peg 44 Ian Carter 81.6.0
06/07/2023Sweepstake Olivers Club1 -21 8:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st peg 8 Chris Dyall 43.4.0 all silvers
09/07/202324hr Charity Carp Match sat and sundayLayer Sat 8th and ClubWhole LakeTBC24hours
Match Results: Largest carp Tom Lambourn 26lb 2oz
09/07/2023Essex Inter Club LeaguePrestonsTeam Whole Lake 8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 16 Alf Derby 73.2.0
2nd Peg 31 Simon White 49.12.0
3rd Peg 44 Ian Carter 38.1.0

For full results go to
15/07/2023ACI Teach In Olivers Teach In20 - 39 8:0009:30 - 15:30
16/07/2023SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8.3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Andy Howard 151.10.0
2nd Peg 46 Kevin Howell 101.8.0
3rd Peg 38 Matt Gould 100.0.0

Silvers Peg 18 Laurie Snell 11.4.0

Sections (21 fished)
Peg 6 Ian Carter 75.8.0
Peg 48 Mark Goodwin 76.2.0
23/07/2023Russ Goodacre Charity OpenPrestonsOpen1 -508:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st peg 39 Mark Banks 104.3.0
2nd peg 22 Ian Carter 33.4.0
3rd peg 36 Jamie Derry 31.8.0
4th peg 37 Shaun Plumb 27.3.0
5th peg 31 Russell Samuels 24.4.0

Sections 32 fished
1 -12 Dean Constable (peg 2) 21.15.0
13 - 25 Dean Field (peg 13) 19.11.0
26 - 36 Dean Mansfield (peg 35) 19.2.0
37 - 47 Danny Mason (peg 41) 21.5.0
29/07/2023ACI Teach InBrookhallTeach In25 - 48 8.30 9:30 - 15:30
30/07/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Frank Shepherd 87.0.0 (all bream)
2nd Peg 36 Danny Rampling 72.10.0
3rd Peg 27 Mark Goodwin 70.0.0

Silvers Default Peg 35 Bob Davis 46.5.0

Sections. (20 fished)
1-20 Peg 12 Pete Sargeant 67.10.0
21-38 Peg 28 Julian Cullop 52.9.0
03/08/2023SweepstakeBrookhall Club16 - 388:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Andy Howard 85.4.0
2nd Peg 29 Chris Dyall 79.14.0
06/08/2023Essex Inter Club League Kelvedon Waters Team TBC 8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: For full results go to
13/08/2023Charity Carp Match - CancelledLayerClubWhole LakeTBCTBC
13/08/2023SweepstakeSt OsythClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 7 Warren Young 105.0.0
2nd Peg 14 Paul Bird 73.12.0
3rd Peg 20a Ian Carter 49.6.0

Sections. (17 fished)
Peg 8 Laurie Snell 42.14.0
Peg 21 Mark Goodwin 45.12.0
20/08/2023CAPS V local clubsPrestonsClub 1 -508:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st peg 15 Mark Banks 37.14.0
2nd peg 31 Danny Mason 34.8.0
3rd peg 1 Alan Leutchford 28.4.0

27/08/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Bill Walker 74.3.0
2nd Peg 25 Ian Carter 65.12.0
3rd Peg 5 Danny Rampling 62.4.0

Silvers by default Peg 38 Simon White 40.0.0

Sections. (20 fished)
Peg 12 Pete Sargeant 41.0.0
Peg 24 Tony Lee 33.8.0
Peg 28 Andre 43.0.0
28/08/2023Charity Pairs OpenPrestonsOpenWhole Lake8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 2 Matt Gould 79.3.0
2nd Peg 3 Danny Mason 38.14.0
3rd Peg 58 Troy Doherty 33.14.0

Winning pairs
Danny Mason and Paul Chambers 6pts
2nd Kim Naish and Chris Dyall also 6pts - Danny and Paul won on weight countback
03/09/2023SweepstakeSt OsythClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 20 Alann Lamb 67.8.0
2nd Peg 10 Bill Walker 61.8.0
3rd Peg 13 Tony Lee 59.13.0

Sections. (24 fished)
Peg 9 Julian Cullop 40.2.0
Peg 19 Mark Goodwin 45.0.0
Peg 27 Andy Howard 38.0.0
10/09/2023Essex Inter Club LeagueDoes WatersTeamTBC8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: For full results go to
17/09/2023Silver Fish Only LayerClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Rob Houlding 29.15.0
2nd Peg 43 Danny Mason 20.12.0
3rd Peg 26 Martin Chalk 20.4.0
4th Peg 8 Bill Walker 18.4.0

Sections. (28 fished)
Peg 16 Alan Lamb 10.0.0
Peg 28 Julian Cullop 15.8.0
Peg 36 Dean Field 16.12.0
24/09/2023Essex Inter Club LeagueRiver Chelmer (CAA Hosting)TeamTBC8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: For full results go to
28/09/2023SweepstakeSt Osyth Club1 - 198:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 8 Kevin Howell 122.6.0
2nd Peg 9 Mark Goodwin 114.1.0
30/09/2023ACI Teach InOlivers Teach In20 - 39 8:309:30 - 15:30
01/10/2023Silver Fish OnlyLayerClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 26 Kevin Howell 128.8.0
2nd Peg 25 Rob Houlding 104.4.0
3rd Peg 28 Ian Carter 78.12.0

Sections. (22 fished)
Peg 18 Paul Connell 30.0.0
Peg 27 Dave Pilsworth 55.12.0
Peg 42 Bill Walker 16.14.0
08/10/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 2 Danny Rampley 134.4.0
2nd Peg 27 Frank Sheherd 77.4.0
3rd Peg Bill Walker 70.10.0

Silvers Default

Sections. (19 fished)
1-21 Paul Connell peg 21 68.2.0
21-38 Peg 38 Simon White 67.4.0
15/10/2023SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 27 Graham Garnham 144.6.0
2nd Peg 25 Mark Goodwin 119.8.0
3rd Peg 23 Dean Constable 118.0.0

Silvers Peg 16 Pete Sargeant 15.4.0

Sections. (31 fished)
1-18 Peg 1 Chris Richardson 114.14.0
20 - 32 Peg 24 Steve Crawford 102.10.0
33 - 49 Peg 38 Bob Davis 75.0.0
22/10/2023SweepstakePrestonsClub1 -458:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 18 Kevin Howell 69.10.0
2nd Peg 40 Mark Goodwin 50.0.0
3rd Peg 44 Chris Dyall 40.0.0

1-15 peg 1 Paul Connell 35.8.0
18-28 peg 28 James Richards 34.6.0
31-44 peg 35 Danny Mason 36.0.0
26/10/2023SweepstakeBrookhallClub16 - 38 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 35 Bill Walker 218.12.0

2 sections
Peg 27 Danny Rampley 101.8.0
Peg 24 Dean Constable 117.12.0
29/10/2023 5 x 4 League Essex Police - Goldhanger Team Whole Lake8:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st A Barber (Hadleigh) 21.15.0
2nd P Connell (CAPS) 16.7.0
3rd G Garnham (Police) 12.10.0

1 Hadleigh 36
=2 Police and CAPS 42
29/10/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Matt Gould Peg 27. 50-14-0 Carp & silvers
2nd Martin Chalk Peg 8 49-0-0 Carp
3rd Simon White Peg 21 48-0-0 mainly silvers

Silvers by default Billy Walker Peg 34 36-0-0 all roach

Section by default 23-38 Julian Collop Peg 25 34-0-0 all silvers
05/11/2023Essex Inter Club League Maldon Canal TeamTBC8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: For full results go to
12/11/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Billy Walker Peg 21 43-8-0 Silvers
2nd Danny Rampley Peg 12 37-8-0 1carp & silvers
3rd Simon White Peg 2 28-12-0 Silvers

Sections both by default

1-20 Matt Gould Peg 5 28-4-0
21- 38 Mark Goodwin Peg 34 24-0-0
19/11/2023SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 27 Dean Constable 183-12-0
2nd Peg 24 Bob Davis 152-2-0
3rd Peg 29 Billy Walker 126-4-0 inc 40ibs bream

Section 1 -24 Julian Collop Peg 20 90-4-0 inc 20lb of bream
Section 25 - 48 Simon White Peg 33 95-0-0
23/11/2023SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Dean Constable 112-12-0
2nd Peg 35 Rob Houlding 57-0-0
3rd Peg 27 Bob Davis 56-0-0
26/11/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Matt Gould 28-8-0
2nd Peg 28 Kevin Howell 20-4-0
3rd Peg 29 Rob Houlding 17-12-0

Sections (27 fished)
Peg 7 Pete Sargeant 13-2-0
Peg 14 Tony Lee 11-0-0
Peg 39 Bill Walker 12-3-0
03/12/2023XMAS MatchBrookhall ClubWhole Lake8:009:30 - 14:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 20 Bob Davis 22.8.0
2nd Peg 25 Alan Willson 20.8.0
3rd Peg 43 Billy Walker 13.2.0
10/12/2023SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 9 Danny Mason 42.4.0
2nd Peg 21 Doug Botley 28.8.8
3rd Peg 5 Warren Young 21.8.0

Sections (19 fished)
Peg 12 Matt Gould 16.1.0
Peg 38 Kevin Howell 14.1.0
10/12/20235 x 4 League Commercial - Stonham BarnsTeamNew Lake8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st B Talbot (Hadleigh) 23.12.0
2nd K Burnby (Police) 15.4.0
3rd R Houlding (CAPS) 14.1.0

1 CAPS 34
2 Police 44
3 Hadleigh 57
17/12/2023SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake 8:009:30 - 14:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Rob Houlding 88.12.0
2nd Peg 44 Ian Carter 72.4.0
3rd Peg 48 Graham Garnham 62.2.0

Peg 22 Doug Botley 54.0.0
Peg 21 Dean Constable 46.12.0
07/01/2024Silver Fish OnlyOlivers ClubWhole Lake8.3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 22 Bill Walker 20.0.0
2nd Peg 5 Tony Lee 15.13.0
3rd Peg 3 Bob Davis 15.9.0
4th Peg 11 Warren Young 15.2.0

Sections 27 Fished
Peg 7 Rob Houlding 8.7.0
Peg 19 Danny Mason 14.3.0
Peg 20 Dean Field 12.8.0
Peg 35 Dean Constable 9.6.0
14/01/20245 x 4 League Olivers TeamWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Graham Garnham (Police) 25.1.0
2nd Peg 25 Paul Connell (CAPS) 15.1.0
3rd Peg 4 Rob Houlding (CAPS) 14.13.0

all = 1 CAPS 40 Police 40 Hadleigh 40
21/01/2024Silver Fish Only - cancelled lake frozenOliversClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 15:00
28/01/20245 x 4 League Hadleigh Bullock Fen TeamWhole Lake8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 23 Paul Connell (CAPS) 9.11.0
2nd Peg 29 Kevin Howell (CAPS) 6.11.8
3rd Peg 13 Paul Bird (Police) 5.5.8

Teams on day (league to date)
1 CAPS 24PTS (140pts)
2 POLICE 44PTS (170pts)
3 HADLEIGH 52PTS (185pts)
04/02/2024Silver Fish OnlyOlivers Club Whole Lake8:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Julian Cullop 44.12.0
2nd Peg 9 Warren Young 33.10.0
3rd Peg 22 Steve Palmer 31.14.0
4th Peg 27 Rob Houlding 29.0.0

Sections 26 Fished
Peg 2 Ian Carter 25.4.0
Peg 23 Martin Chalk 17.0.0
Peg 36 Bob Davis 18.8.0
05/02/2024CAPS AGM Belle Vue Club20:00
11/02/2024SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole lake8:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 44 Simon White 68.0.0
2nd Peg 12 Mark Goodwin 58.0.0
3rd Peg 16 Bob Davis 56.10.0
silvers Bill Walker peg 30 16.0.0

Sections (19 fished)
Peg 24 Allan Lamb 49.10.0
Peg 48 Dean Constable 38.0.0
18/02/2024Silver Fish OnlyOliversClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 11 Bob Davis 81.0.0
2nd Peg 20 Kevin Howell 53.12.0
3rd Peg 9 Simon White 36.10.0

Sections 21 Fished
Peg 8 Alan Willson 34.12.0
Peg 33 Julian Cullop 33.6.0
25/02/2024SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Bob Davis 92.8.0
2nd Peg 22 Chris Richardson 72.8.0
3rd Peg 20 Julian Cullop 72.4.0
silvers Paul Connell peg 32 11.4.0

Sections (19 fished)
Peg 1 Allan Lamb 49.12.0
Peg 36 Dean Constable 65.4.0
03/03/2024SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Warren Young 77.9.0
2nd Peg 27 Mick Turner 52.12.0
3rd Peg 20 Bob Davis 40.15.0
silvers Simon White peg 8 35.14.0

Sections (18 fished)
Peg 10 Danny Rampley 36.20
Peg 34 Julian Cullop 26.4.0
03/03/20245 x 4 League Commercial LakeTeamTBC8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Rob Houlding CAPS 50.15.0
2nd Peg 4 Graham Garnham Police 45.8.0
3rd Peg 12 Mark Snowling Hadleigh 41.12.0
4th Peg 10 Ian Carter CAPS 40.0.0

Team on day
1 CAPS 33pts
2 Hadleigh 39pts
3 Police 48pts
Final team placings
1 CAPS 173pts
2 Police 218pts
2 Hadleigh 224pts
10/03/2024SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 48 Warren Young 117.8.0
2nd Peg 26 Julian Cullop 115.0.0
3rd Peg 32 Danny Rampley 83.8.0

silvers Bill Walker peg 28 29.8.0

Sections (20 fished)
Peg 12 Andy Howard 60.8.0
Peg 25 Mark Goodwin 70.10.0
24/03/2024SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 7 Kevin Howell 67.14.0
2nd Peg 11 Matt Gould 62.14.0
3rd Peg 22 Bill Walker 53.0.0

28 Fished
31/03/2024SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Matt Gould Peg 48 143-2-0
2nd Julian Collop Peg 24 134-12-0
3rd Warren Young Peg 25 94-4-0
Silvers Tony Lee Peg 41 14-10-0

1-12+ 38-48 Bob Davis Peg 7 56-0-0
14-24+ 25-36 Steve Palmer Peg 32 79-8-0
07/04/2024SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 28 Rob Houlding 69.8.0
2nd Peg 21 Chris Dyall 56.14.0
3rd Peg 18 Andy Howard 47.8.0
Silvers Peg 24 Bill Walker 45.3.0

Sections 24 fished
Peg 7 Tony Lee 42.6.0
Peg 23 Warren Young 34.2.0
14/04/2024SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Matt Gould 163-12-0
2nd Peg 1 Andy Howard 130-12-0
3rd Peg 27 Paul Connell 126-4-0

Silvers Peg 41 Julian Cullop 41-4-0

peg 24 Simon White 116-12-0
Peg 45 Dean Field 92-6-0
21/04/2024SweepstakePrestonsClubPeg 1 - 458:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 4 Rob Houlding 32.10.0
2nd Peg 3 Andy Howard 27.8.0
3rd Peg 1 Martyn Tozer 25.4.0
4th Peg 35 Ian Carter 23.6.0

Sections (37 fished)
Peg 4 Barry Sutton 7.4.0
Peg 24 Bill Walker 11.3.0
Peg 36 Paul Bird 17.12.0
Peg 45 Mark Goodwin 16.4.0
25/04/2024SweepstakeBrookhallClub12 - 40 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 12 Bob Davis 76.8.0
2nd Peg 24 Rob Houlding 44.10.0
3rd Peg 36 Kevin Howell 35.14.0
28/04/2024SweepstakeOliversClubWhole lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 5 Julian Cullop 68.4.0
2nd Peg 7 Rob Houlding 66.9.0
3rd Peg 21 Warren Young 48.4.0
Silvers Peg 22 Paul Bird 41.0.0

Sections 20 fished
Peg 20 Mark Goodwin 30.14.0
Peg 38 Bob Davis 26.4.0
02/05/2024SweepstakePrestonsClub1 - 408:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 1 Jon Wilson 120.0.0
2nd Peg 3 Mark Banks 116.11.0
3rd Peg 35 Paul Chambers 39.8.0

Sections (21 fished)
Peg 16 Dean Field 29.10.0
Peg 20 Andy Howard 17.0.0
Peg 42 Bob Davis 36.4.0
05/05/2024SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Warren Young 144-8-0
2nd Peg 26 Billy Walker 97-0-0
3rd Peg 48 Alan Lamb 96-8-0

Silvers Peg 34 Chris Dyall 36-4-0

peg 1 Danny Rampley 90-12-0
Peg 30 Bob Davis 84-6-0
Peg 42 Julian Cullop 79.8.0
12/05/2024SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 27 Matt Gould 50.8.0
2nd Peg 12 Bill Walker 48.8.0
3rd Peg 36 Warren Young 31.6.0

Sections 24 fished
Peg 6 Chris Richardson 18.4.0
Peg 20 Bob Davis 27.10.0
Peg 31 Martin Chalk 28.2.0
19/05/2024SweepstakePrestonsClub 1 - 40 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 27 Chris Dyall 44.14.0
2nd Peg 19 Ian Carter 24.6.0
3rd Peg 31 Mick Smith 21.12.0
4th Peg 3 Julian Cullop 16.10.0

Sections (26 fished)
Peg 1 Paul Connell 10.6.0
Peg 26 Chris Sale 12.12.0
Peg 35 Barry Sutton 14.0.0
23/05/2024SweepstakeInworth 2 ClubWhole lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 5 Rob Houlding 34.2.0
2nd Peg 3 Chris Dyall 27.2.0

10 fished.
26/05/2024SweepstakeOliversClubWhole lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 11 Chris Richardson 68-10-0 Carp, Bream & Tench
2nd Peg 35 John Dale 64- 9- 0 nearly all silvers
3rd Peg31 Martin Chalk 51- 4- 0
Silvers by Default Peg 21 Julian Collop 48- 4- 0

Sections all by default 26 fished
1 - 11 Dean Field Peg 7 44- 0- 0
12 - 25 Matt Gould Peg 13 47 -0- 0
27 - 38 Paul Connell Peg 28 30- 0- 0
30/05/2024SweepstakeBrookhallClub14 - 40 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 12 Martin Chalk 98-12-0
2nd Peg 24 Bob Davis 95-8-0
3rd Peg 10 Chris Dyall 77-12-0

peg 14 Bill Walker 43.8.0
Peg 31 Paul Connell 53.4.0
02/06/2024SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Bill Walker 58-10-0
2nd Peg 28 Mick Turner 57-1-0
3rd Peg 8 Simon White 46-0-0
Silvers by Default Peg 21 John Shepherd 44-0-0

09/06/2024Charity OpenBrookhallOpenWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 46 Martin Chalk 132-0-0
2nd Peg 35 Danny Rampley 96-14-0
3rd Peg 25 Chris Richardson 92-0-0
Silvers Peg 29 Bill Walker 32-0-0

peg 4 Kevin Howell 83.2.0
Peg 24 Martin Cromley 67.0.0
Peg 38 Bob Davis 91.4.0
15/06/2024ACI Teach In Olivers Teach In 18 - 398:0009:00 - 14:00
16/06/2024SweepstakePrestonsClub1 - 458:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 44 Steve Crawford 67.2.0
2nd Peg 18 Matt Gould 50.6.0
3rd Peg 40 Matin Chalk 39.8.0

Sections (22 fished)
Peg 1 Julian Cullop 29.1.0
Peg 29 Alan Lamb 35.3.0
Peg 35 Mick Smith 24.8.0
23/06/2024EICL BrookhallTeam Whole Lake 8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Full Results can be found at
27/06/2024SweepstakeInworth 2 ClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 3 Chris Dyall 40.14.0
2nd Peg 10 Dave Pilsworth 38.0.0
30/06/2024SweepstakeOliversClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 23 Danny Ramply 79.12.0
2nd Peg 27 Bill Walker 49.0.0
3rd Peg 36 Chris Richardson 48.6.0

Sections (22 fished)
Peg 12 Darren Clarke 41.0.0
Peg 14 Julian Cullop 47.8.0
Peg 34 Bob Davis 42.4.0
06/07/202424hr Carp MatchLayer Pit Club Whole Lake TBC TBC
Match Results: Biggest fish winner Gareth Williams 26lb 4oz
07/07/2024SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole Lake 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Bob Oakley 182-14-0
2nd Peg 31 Warren Young 106-4-0
3rd Peg 41 Andy Howard 99-14-0
Silvers peg 29 Chris Dyall 25.8.0

Sections (21 fished)
peg 1 Simon White 86.4.0
Peg 46 Julian Cullop 95.2.0
14/07/2024EICLPrestons TeamWhole Lake8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Full Results can be found at
18/07/2024SweepstakeLodge FarmClub4 - 19 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 14 Danny Ramply 74.10.0
2nd Peg 10 Steve Crawford 34.0.0
20/07/2024ACI Teach In Brookhall Teach In 25 - 48 8:0009:00 - 14:00
21/07/2024CAPS v DOES Twitty Fee 2Team of 10 Whole Lake8:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 22 Dean Field CAPS 98.8.0
2nd Peg 17 Simon White CAPS 49.12.0
3rd Peg 4 Chris Driver Does 49.8.0
25/07/2024SweepstakeOlivers Club1 - 278:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 5 Danny Ramply 109.8.0
2nd Peg 23 Simon White 102.4.0
3rd Peg 25 Martin Chalk 98.8.0
27/07/2024Junior MatchBrookhallClub25 - 498:3010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 13-16 age Group
Harrison Howard won the prize for the biggest fish ,a nice mirror of exactly 10lb
Ollie Taylor won the biggest total weight with 3 x carp and a bream for 24lb
Denhan Murphy had 2 carp for 13lb 14oz
Jack Seago-Sheekey had 1 carp and a bream for a total weight 10lb 7oz

In the 10-13 age Group
Freddie Riley had a 9lb of carp, 14lb of Silvers total weight of 23lb to win both trophies.

The under 10’s age group
Pippa Whitlock had a carp of 8lb 14oz and 1lb Silvers total weight 9lb 14oz to win both trophies.
George Shelton had 6lb 8oz total weight.
Jack Rigg total weight 6lb 6oz
Otto Archard total weight 5lb 10oz
Freya Collins total weight 4lb 2oz
28/07/2024Russ Goodacre memorial Prestons Open 1 - 50 8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 31 Simon White 87.11.0
2nd Peg 3 Kevin Howell 47.6.0
3rd Peg 38 Chris Dyall 37.6.0
4th Peg 16 Dean Field 30.9.0

Sections (24 fished)
Peg 14 Chris Janes 27.6.0
Peg 29 Ben Bray 24.8.0
Peg 36 Lewis Bray 26.0.0
04/08/2024Reg Upsher Memorial Olivers ClubWhole Lake8:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 25 Danny Ramply 110.11.0
2nd Peg 27 Martin Chalk 94.4.0
3rd Peg 22 Darren Clarke 83.8.0

Sections (21 Fished)
Peg 20 Paul Connell 71.10.0
Peg 24 Dean Field 81.8.0
11/08/2024EICL Kelvedon waters TeamTBC 8:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Full Results can be found at
15/08/2024Sweepstake Mersea Lakes ClubBoth Lakes 8:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Front Lake peg 3 Simon White 17.0.0
1st Back Lake peg 10 Dave Terrell 30.12.0
17/08/2024ACI Teach In Olivers Teach In 18 - 39 8:0009:00 - 14:00
18/08/2024CAPS V Local Clubs Prestons Club1 - 50 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 2 Warren Young 66.6.0
2nd Peg 38 Simon White 34.2.0
3rd Peg 24 Steve Palmer 27.13.0

Sections (24 fished)
Peg 20 Chris Sale 24.8.0
Peg 23 Mark Goodwin 25.3.0
Peg 44 Kevin Howell 24.4.0
25/08/2024SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole Lake8:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 31 Matt Gould 113.4.0
2nd Peg 24 Dean Field 84.14.0
3rd Peg 15 Andy Howard 61.0.0

Sections 21 fished
Peg 7 Martin Chalk 38.10.0
Peg 18 Paul Connell 52.6.0
Peg 27 Frank Sheherd 37.2.0
26/08/2024Pairs CharityPrestons Open Whole lake 08:0010:00 - 16:00
Match Results:
1st Matt Gould & Alan Luetchford – 13 points (50.02.0)
2nd Danny Mason & Paul Chambers – 13 points (37.02.0)
3rd Steve Palmer & Alan Lamb – 12 points
4th Warren Young & Bill Walker 10 points (31.14.0)
5th Dean Mansfield & Steve Gunner 10 points (25.06.0)
6th Danny Cruse & Tony Harness 9 points (31.10.0)

A big thank you to Alan Luetchford on running the raffle and all those that donated prizes and to Matt Gould on cooking the breakfast rolls. A total of £606.06 was raised for charity and this will be split between the England disabled match fishing team and Colchester hospital children’s wards
31/08/2024Junior match BrookhallClub Whole lake8:30 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: The second of our junior matches took place with a great turnout with 21 kids turning up with a good mix of carp and match anglers fishing side by side.

In the under 10 category
1st (biggest fish) Bobby Meadows with a 12lb carp & a total weight 26lb 8oz
1st (biggest total weight) Oliver’s wells with 44lb 8oz

The 11 to 13 category
1st (biggest fish) Fredrick Riley with a carp of 8lb 6oz & total weight 16lb 14oz
1st (biggest total weight) Henry Wells with 26lb 5oz

The 14 to 16 category
1st (biggest fish) Tom Brakenbury with a carp of 14lb 12oz
1st (biggest total weight) again Tom Brakenbury with 46lb 3oz
01/09/2024Carp MatchLayer Pit ClubWhole lake TBC TBC
Match Results: A big thank you to all that took part in the charity carp match a massive thank you to Korda / Fox /OMC /
Essex County Angling / Elmstead county angling for all the raffle prizes. Well done to Ben for most fish and Charlie Claxton for the biggest fish. Thank you to all the bailiffs a massive thank you to sean Fretwell for his help and support and a big thank you to all that helped.
01/09/2024SweepstakeLodge Farm - St OsythClubWhole lake08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 17 Julian Cullop 115.4.0
2nd Peg 14 Simon White 57.8.0
3rd Peg 19 Bill Walker 53.12.0

Sections (22 fished)
peg 7 Dean Field 48.0.0
Peg 16 Danny Rampley 33.0.0
Peg 25 Alan Willson 13.0.0
08/09/2024EICL Does waters TeamTBC08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Full Results can be found at
12/09/2024SweepstakeLodge Farm Club4 - 1908:3010:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 17 Alan Willson 53.11.0
2nd Peg 14 Robert Houlding 31.12.0
14/09/2024ACI TEACH IN BrookhallTeach IN 25 - 48 08:0009:00 - 14:00
15/09/2024Silverfish Only Layer Pit ClubWhole lake 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st peg 18 Keith Adams 113.6.0
2nd peg 42 Ian Carter 110.4.0
3rd Peg 28 Kevin Howell 101.12.0
4th peg 26 Warren Young 73.5.0

sections (24 fished)
peg 17 Mark Goodwin 55.0.0
peg 25 Matt Gould 31.15.0
peg 39 Danny Rampley 72.0.0
19/09/2024Sweepstake Brookhall Club12 - 40 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Graham Claridge 182.4.0
2nd Peg 16 Andy Howard 158.6.0
22/09/2024CAPS V DOES Olivers Team of 10 Whole lake 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 22 Danny Rampley (Does) 86.13.0
2nd Peg 20 Kieth Hiam (Does) 63.12.0
3rd Peg 33 Simon White (CAPS) 50.2.0

10 Anglers per side
Does AC total weight - 300lb 4 oz
CAPS total weight - 330lb 15 oz
29/09/2024EICL Chelmsford River ChelmerTeam TBC 08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Full Results can be found at
05/10/2024ACI Teach inOlivers Teach In 18 - 39 08:00 09:00 - 14:00
06/10/2024Sweepstake Lodge Farm St OsythClubWhole Lake 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 16 Chris Sale 36.4.0
2nd Peg 12 Julian Cullop 35.3.0
3rd Peg 19 Simon White 33.7.0

Sections (23 fished)
peg 9 Doug Botley 19.10.0
Peg 11 Warren Young 13.12.0
Peg 26 Martin Chalk 25.4.0
10/10/2024SweepstakePrestons Club1 - 40 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 3 Danny Mason 88.6.0
2nd Peg 1 Matt Gould 63.0.0
13/10/2024SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole lake 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 24 Danny Rampley 113.0.0
2nd Peg 17 Bob Davis 106.2.0
3rd Peg 1 Simon White 106.0.0

Peg 3 Julian Cullop 83.0.0
Peg 27 Alan Willson 83.8.0
17/10/2024Sweepstake Olivers Club1 - 27 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Danny Rampley 92.4.0
2nd Peg 12 Martin Chalk 78.4.0
3rd Peg 8 Andy Howard 50.5.0
20/10/2024Sweepstake Prestons Club1 -45 08:30 10:00 - 16:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 3 Doug Botley 77.13.0
2nd Peg 44 Warren Young 26.14.0
3rd Peg 18 Steve Palmer 21.0.0

Sections (22 fished)
Peg 7 Dean Constable 17.8.0
Peg 22 Mick Smith 15.9.0
Peg 46 Dean Field 20.12.0
27/10/2024 5 x 3 LeaguePolice AC Stonham BarnTeam Old lake 08:00 10:00 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Mark Goodwin CAPS 30.10.0
2nd Colin Hynard HADLEIGH 13.6.0
3rd Paul Connell CAPS 10.4.0

Team points
Hadleigh 47
Police 51
27/10/2024SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole lake 08:0009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 12 Danny Rampley 101.4.0
2nd Peg 5 Kevin Howell 79.4.0
3rd Peg 25 Julian Cullop 49.14.0

Sections (17 fished)
Peg 20 Chris Sale 37.3.0
Peg 33 Darren Clarke 39.12.0
03/11/2024EICL Maldon Canal TeamTBC08:0010:00 - 15:00
Match Results: Full Results can be found at
07/11/2024Sweepstake BrookhallClub12 - 40 08:0009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 37 Andy Howard 73.10.0
2nd Peg 41 Kevin Howell 66.15.0
3rd Peg 34 Bob Davis 46.4.0

Peg 11 Chris Dyall 42.10.0
Peg 44 Danny Rampley 28.0.0
10/11/2024Sweepstake Olivers ClubWhole lake 08:0009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 12 Julian Cullop 28.8.0
2nd Peg 22 Steve Palmer 22.2.0
3rd Peg 5 Dean Constable 26.6.0
4th Peg 23 Colin Moran 19.8.0

Sections (25 fished)
Peg 9 Billy Walker 16.14.0
Peg 27 Bob Oakley 18.9.0
peg 31 Tony Lee 15.9.0
17/11/2024Sweepstake BrookhallClubWhole lake 08:0009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 27 Tony Lee 84.0.0
2nd Peg 25 Simon White 83.4.0
3rd Peg 1 Kevin Howell 59.3.0
4th Peg 29 Bob Oakley 55.13.0

Sections (26 fished)
Peg 5 Dean Constable 39.6.0
Peg 24 Rob Houlding 48.0.0
Peg 43 Darren Clarke 48.0.0
24/11/2024Sweepstake Olivers ClubWhole lake 08:00 09:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 5 Andy Howard 44.8.0
2nd Peg 12 Mick Turner 42.8.0
3rd Peg 18 Matt Gould 41.4.0

Sections (22 fished)
Peg 6 Allan Lamb 28.1.0
Peg 20 Tony Lee 32.2.0
peg 28 Kevin Howell 15.6.0
01/12/2024SweepstakeBrookhallClubWhole lake 08:0009:30 - 14:30
Match Results: 1st Peg 33 Tony Lee 114.4.0
2nd Peg 30 Julian Cullop 89.14.0
3rd Peg 27 Kevin Howell 83.2.0

Sections (20 fished)
Peg 12 Simon White 68.14.0
Peg 41 Kim Naish 33.4.0
08/12/2024Sweepstake Olivers ClubWhole Lake 08:0009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 10 Warren Young 28-8-0
2nd Peg 22 Billy Walker 27-10-0
3rd Peg 8 Mick Turner 26-0-0

Sections (17 fished)
8 - 23 Julian Collop Peg 18 16-8-0
24 - 38 Tony Lee Peg 33 18-6-0
08/12/20245 x 3 LeagueHadleigh bullocky fenTeamWhole Lake8.30TBC
Match Results: Postponed due to storms
15/12/2024XMAS MatchBrookhallClubWhole lake 08:0009:30 - 14:30
Match Results: =1st Peg 46 Paul Connell 37.0.0
=1st Peg 11 Steve Crawford 37.0.0
3rd Peg 40 Doug Botley 33.14.0
4th Peg 7 Rob Houlding 32.12.0

Sections (27 Fished)
Bob Oakley peg 9 32.8.0
Ray Ankin peg 27 32.9.0
Glen Sibbons Peg 44 24.0.0
29/12/2024SweepstakeOlivers ClubWhole lake 08:0009:30 - 15:00
Match Results: 1st Peg 21 Warren Young 42-4-0
2nd Peg 27 Andy Howard 26-12-0
3rd Peg 20 Paul Connell 21-15-0

Sections (25 fished)
peg 5 Colin Moran 15-0-0
peg 22 Jim Hodges 15-1-0
peg 36 Tony Lee 11-6-0