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Bovington Update 31st Aug
31/08/2024 - Latest News
Bovington update..
Following the previous message (see below) re Bovington lakes we just wanted to provide the following update.
This week the Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI) revisited the lakes and have given us the approval to reopen, which is good news, we do however need to finalise one or two bio security matters which we are working hard to complete over the next few days. As such the lakes will not reopen on the 1st September but but we are hopeful that it will not be too long before we can let the members know the lakes are reopen and the measures anglers will need to take when fishing the lakes.
Thank you all for your patience.
CAPS committee.
As members will be aware, the club closed Bovington 1 & 2 on Sunday 4th Aug following reports of fish on Bovington 1 showing signs of distress.
The club checked oxygen levels and found them to be low, particularly on bov 1. Pumps were deployed and the Enviromental Agency (EA) were called. On Monday 5th August the EA visited and further pumps deployed with the objective to raise the oxygen levels.
As a result of a couple of fish deaths the Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI) were also notified and on Wed 7th Aug visited the site and took various samples.
Whilst the oxygens levels have now improved to normal levels the club has been notified today (16 Aug) of the results of the FHI tests which unfortunately show the presence of Koi herpesvirus (KHV) on Bovington 1. No fish have died in Bov 2 and we are not aware of the virus in that lake.
As a result of these findings the club has statutory obligations that it needs to undertake as well as actions we are putting in place.
The lakes will remain closed until the FHI give us permission to open and we are satisfied that it’s in the club’s interests to do so. It should be noted that this time frame has shortened over what the situation would have been a few years ago. Whilst no exact time for reopening is known as it is based on when the last fish died, we at present hope to have the lakes open from 1 Sep. Please note that this could change if another death occurs.
We will also introduce a disinfection dip into the car park on Bovington 1 which will be in operation for when we get the approval to reopen. Details will be released in terms of biosecurity measure once discussed with the EA and FHI. Compliance to these rules will be taken extremely seriously, with severe consequence for any breach of the rules.
Once we reopen we would ask until further notice that anglers do not move from fishing Bovington 1 to Bovington 2 within the same day. Again, more information will be provided on this.
Work will be undertaken to improve wind flow on both lakes by cutting wind tunnels by removing some bushes and low level tree branches.
The EA will also test the silt which will provide vital data in respect of if the introduction of chalk or lime will improve water quality.
This is obviously extremely unwelcome news for the club and members. We have worked hard to give the fish the best chance of recovery and would like to thank the bailiffs for their relentless work in caring for the fish over this period.
More news will follow. In terms of the number of deaths so far, we have lost 12 fish from bov 1 of varying size and age.
This highlights the importance of drying nets out in sunlight after each session and we ask that all members ensure this is done.
Have acted quickly involving the EA and FHI and have kept you all up to date as much as possible. We aim to do this going forward also.
Many thanks
The Committee.